Thinking of a Plan

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Y/N and Eddie went up stairs to talk to eachother. I know what it's about. Apart of me was afraid of how Eddie would react. Would he be mad? Or would he be worried? I knew it can't be that bad considering Eddie cares for Y/N a lot. But, that slight chance of him getting frustrated can't help but linger around my mind like a fly.

The gang and I sat downstairs in the livingroom, discussing our plan and figuring out what to do. Dustin and Lucas sat on the floor just in front of the TV, while Max, Robin, and I sat on the couch. Max and Lucas giving eachother looks while Dustin rambled on about something.  Chrissy sitting down on the coffee table. I don't know where Mike is at the moment, I assume he just got back from California and probably has a lot of work to do.

I could hear faint yelling coming from Y/Ns room, making me more nervous. "Hey," Robin snapped her fingers in front of my face,"pay attention, dingus. Important info here"

"Sorry, just trying to see whats going on with those two." I placed my head on the palm of my hand and looked and Robin who sat beside me."I mean, what if he gets mad?"

"Dude, he's not gonna get mad." Dustin butted in.

"He might." I shrugged and turned around, looking back at the staircase waiting for them to join us downstairs.

"Hell no he won't, once he knows that Vecnas still out for her, he's gonna stay right by her side." Robin added, "he'll be following her around like a lost puppy."

Before I could reply, I could hear loud laughing come from upstairs, along with a few pleads. I chuckled a bit, assuming that its going well.

"I told you." She said sassily. I nudged Robins shoulder gaining a strong punch to my arm.

"Hey!"  I yelped. I rubbed my arm with my hand as Robin laughed at me, folding over holding her stomach."That wasn't fair, stop laughing."

"Calm your balls man, its not a big deal." She breathed out, a few chuckles inbetween her words.

"No, I'm not gonna 'calm my balls'. What kind of saying is that?"

"I don't know I just made it up."

"Of course you did."

"Hey," a voice called out from upstairs. Y/N and Eddie appeared at the bottom of the staircase and made there way towards us. Y/N sat down on the arm of the couch next to me. "Whats the plan?"


"Max, listen to me," Y/N pleaded,"let me do it. He obviously wants me more than you. He came back for me multiple times. If I'm the distraction, it'll make things easier."

"I don't want you to get hurt Y/N." Max stood up,"what if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong okay?" Y/N grabbed Maxs hand and put her forehead against hers."Listen to me, alright? I promise you- everyone, okay? Everyone. I promise everyone in this room, that I'll make it out alive and well."

She kissed her forehead and parted ways, going back to sitting on the arm of the couch. Max let out a sigh and sat back down on the couch, looking away from everyone as her leg bounced up and down. None of us wanted anyone to have to sacrifice themselves, but it's the only choice we have.

I don't want Y/N to be the distraction. I dont want Max to be the distraction. I dont want anyone in that position. Im terrified for the future and I honestly dont know what to do. My only sister might die. My best friend might die. A part of me wishes that I'm the target of Vecna, meaning I'd take the part as the distraction, Y/N and Max would both be safe and I wont have to worry about losing them.

Their deaths would be the end of me.

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