The Cunningham Incident

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(who ever makes these fucking vampire picures, you have my whole heart istg these got me kicking my feet rn)




-1275 WORDS-

"Maria, I can officially say that you're a fucking dumbass." I groaned, dropping my pencil and putting my head in my heads. Today I had to help Maria study for the shitty science test thats tomorrow.  I told her that I wanted to do it today because, if im being honest, I wanted nothing to do with her yesterday. So I told her I was busy.

"Chill out," Maria chuckled at my frustration. "I mean, how was I supposed to know? You give me all your answers in science."

"Dude, it says right here that the number at the top is the atomic number." I pointed at the periodic table. Maria isnt the smartest, and yes, half the time I just give her my answers to every assignment we get. But the teacher explained all this at the beginning if freshman year. You learn this stuff in the 6th grade. It kills me how dumb she is. She only passes because of me. I mean, I'm only doing this to be nice, not because I like it. I tutor for free, maybe I should start paying.

Maria just scoffed and continued to work on the assignment. Im about to kick her ass out for how disrespectful shes been to me. Shes done nothing but give me attitude. She thinks shes the smartest, yet I'm the one tutoring her. How ironic.

We continued to work on studying and getting the study guide, that my teacher assigned, finished. Maria grabbed all her things and marched out the door like she'd just won the lottery. I waved her good bye and shut the door, sighing with relief. I stumbled to my room and shut the door, throwing myself onto my bed face first into my pillow. Then, I here a knock on my door. I let out a loud groan. "What do you want?" I yelled, my voice muffled from laying face first on my pillow.

The Harrington boy opened the door and peeked through. "Hey uh, going to the store. Want anything?"

I lifted my face from my pillow to look at him. "Uh yeah, get me some chocolate. Thanks." I rolled over to onto my side to get into a more comfortable position.

"Ok? Ill be back soon, stay safe. Love you." He shut the door.

"Love you too!" I yelled back. I've had a sweet tooth for the longest time so i'm glad Steves going to the store. I let out a huge yawn and stretched my arms. I closed my eyes, ready for the longest nap ever. Maria tired me out. Shes been here since school ended, its currently 6:37. I've been tired of her since sophmore year.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, I fell asleep. My eyes were hella heavy and I could really use this nap if I'm being honest.


I wake up to possibly the loudest knocking ever. I sleepishly lift myself from my bed and stand up. I walk downstairs and yell,"God damn, would you give the door a break? Shit.."

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall which read, 8:15. I opened the door to be greeted by a small cheerleader. "I- Chrissy? What are you doing here?" I ask, looking her up and down. She was all dirty and had a hand mark, printed on her cheek. "Holy shit. Come inside and tell me everything now."

Chrissy slowly walked inside and I shut the door and instantly ran up to her, wrapping her in a comforting hug. I could hear her sniffles and feel her tears seeping into my shirt. I pulled away from the hug and put my arm around her shoulder, leading her to the couch.

"Im sorry for bothering you." She said in a soft voice. She sniffled again and wiped her eyes.

"Hey hey.. your not bothering me at all." I rubbed her shoulders,"do you mind telling me what happened."

Chrissy nodded. I sat there and listened to what she had to say, nodding my head everyonce in awhile to assure her that I was listening. "Me and Jason got into a heated argument. He saw me with Eddie and he thought I was cheating on him."

Chrissy, with Eddie? She typically kept her distance from him because Jason didnt like him since he's a 'freak.'

"Jason isnt the type to get abusive really, but he really took it to the limit this time." More tears streamed down her face. I hugged her tightly, rubbing up and down her back. "He's never hit me before, I swear. This was the first time."

"May I ask why you were with Eddie? You don't have to say." I asked, I was genuinely curious to the fact that Chrissy, the local cheer caption, was hanging out with Eddie, the freak, Munson.

Chrissy hesitated before responding, "I um, I was buying drugs."She sighed. "I thought it would help considering everything going on."

I understood Chrissy. I knew that she has been going through things at home. "Its alright, you were just in a panic." I smiled at her. I wasnt gonna judge her for her decisions.

"Thank you." She wiped the tears from her cheek.

"Its nothing. Hey, why don't we have our own girls night. Make you feel better, hm?" I wanna do everything within my power to make sure shes ok.

"That'd be great, thanks."

"Its nothing really. Alright, you, you stay here I'm gonna go get everything we need for tonight." I quickly got up and ran into the kitchen. Steve got back from the store and left everything on the counter, including the chocolate I asked for. He got hershey kisses and kitkat bars. This man knew exactly what was on my mind. I grabbed the two candy bars and placed them on the coffee table.

"You can eat as much as you want, I could care less." I assured, I left to go into my room and grab some of my clothes. I grabbed a loose fitting shirt and some sweats. I ran back downstairs and handed them to her. "Get out of your cheer uniform, you can wear these."

I told her where the bathroom was and she got up and walked down the hallway. I ran back up stairs and grabbed some nail polish and the movie "Dirty Dancing", I figured it would get her mind off things.

I ran downstairs and saw Chrissy sitting on the couch eating a kitkat bar. Her hair was down and her face wasnt as red and puffy as before. She looked much happier and more comfortable.

"I love you so much, Y/N." She thanked, bringing me into a tight hug.

"Its nothing, now come on, lets have some fun." I smiled, sitting down on the couch.

Chrissy and I had our own little girls night watching dirty dancing, gossiping, doing our nails, and eating two whole bags of chocolate. I let Chrissy stay over because I didnt want her to go home or go to Jasons house. All I can say is, I think this is the most fun I've ever had.

author note


also i might have fucked up the days aswell cause i forgot what day it is for them-

alr we gonna pretend that its um thursday 💅💅

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