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"Ready for the final?" Steve smirked at me, then turned to look back at the road. I have my math final today, I've been complaining about it to Steve everyday saying how I'm probably going to fail. It doesn't matter that Im a tutor(sometimes), I only tutor in science.

"Shut up," I nudged him, "you're just bugging me about it cause you know Im gonna fail and get held back for being a dumbass"

"Oh shut up, Y/N. You're not a dumbass." Steve said, gripping the wheel. "You have all A's in all your other classes. This class, not so lucky."

"Thanks for the help, Steve-o" I said, sarcastically and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Steve pulled into school and parked the car somewhat towards the front of the school. "You'll do great, Y/N/N. Have fun."

"You bet I will," I fake smiled, then immediately frowned. I grabbed my backpack and stepped out of the car, slamming the door.

I walked towards the front of the school, immediately crossed paths with Maria. "Hey, Y/N," Maria greeted,"quick question."

"What is it now," I groaned, I already know what shes gonna ask me.

"Can you please help me study for the science test?" Maria practically begged. I let out a deep sigh of frustration. Every test we have in science, I have to help Maria study.

"For fucks sake, Maria. Can't you study on your own?"

I began walking to my locker while Maria ranted on how I'm so smart and I help her pass everytime. I opened my locker and put the stuff I dont need inside.

"You're extremely smart, I pass every time because of you! I mean, that adds a lot to your name, Y/N."

"Dude, ok, fine. I'll help you study. Only a little bit." I shook my head, slamming the locker shut, getting some weird looks from people.

"Thank you!"  Maria jumped up and down like a little kid on christmas. "You the best." She pointed at me and gave me a cheeky smile and walked off.

The bell rang and its time to go to first period. My least favorite class. Where I have to listen to Mrs. Click bicker about grammar. Such bullshit.

I walked into class and decided to sit in the back. I sat in the seat, placing my bag down and putting my head down. Today should be an easy day, apart from math. Oh lord am I 'excited' for math.


The bell awoke me from my quick nap that I took, I didnt even realize I fell asleep. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom, rubbing my eyes. I ran into someone on my way out. I muttered a soft,
"sorry," and walked away, not even turning to see who it was.

I walked into my second period classroom, dreading taking the final. I took a deep breath and sat down somewhat in the middle of the classroom. At this point, my head was already throbbing.

Mrs. O' Donnell began passing out the papers and thats when the test began. I looked at the paper in awe. I didn't study at all and I barely understood any of it. I was mentally punching myself in the face for not studying. I always say that I will, but never end up doing it. I hate myself for it honestly. Every, single, time, I tell myself that Im gonna study, and that I'm gonna try my hardest, but do I really end up trying in the end?

Im practically on the verge of having a panic attack so I tried to take deep breaths and just focus on getting it done.

Every answer I write down feels incorrect, every box I fill in doesn't seem right, every problem I do looks like its not done correctly. I keep re-doing each problem and I get a different answer each time. My leg began bouncing and I started fiddling with my pencil.

I could feel the person behind mes eyes boring into the back off my head.

I flipped the paper over and only had a few more questions left. I tried my best to slow down and focus on the last problems so I have a higher chance of getting them right. I finally finished the test and walked up to my teachers desk. I placed the paper down and asked to go to the bathroom.

I shuffled out of the classroom in a heart beat. I walked into the bathroom and locked myself in the stall. Breathe. Breathe. The test is finished. Im sure I passed, right? No big deal, no big deal.

author note


Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now