Party Jitters

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-1049 WORDS-
(mentions of alcohol)

I wake up englufed with bright blonde hair, which smelt like lavender. Chrissy was laying her head on my chest and wrapped around me like her life depended on it. I lightly chuckled and gently lifted her off of me.

I looked at my alarm clock on my nightstand which read, 6:12. My alarm goes off at around 6:30. I walked downstairs and went into the laundry room to grab Chrissys cheer outfit. I washed it for her since it was all dirty and I knew she'd need it. I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed some poptarts and put them in the toaster. I made sure to grab two packets, one for me and one for Chrissy.

I saw alcohol spread out across the counter, I was hoping that alcohol wasnt involved for Steves party, I dont think i'll be getting wrapped up in that mess. It worried me more for tomorrow. Most of the school will be there at the party. Which means Jason and Chrissy will most likely be there. I'm not anxious about Chrissy, Im more scared for Jason. I hope he doesnt get aggressive when he's drunk. Hell, I hope he doesnt get drunk at all, then we'd have no problems.

I grabbed the pop tarts from the toaster and put them on separate plates. I took the plates upstairs to my room. Chrissy was sitting up in bed stretching. "Morning." I said in a soft tone. I placed one of the plates on my nightstand and handed the other to Chrissy.

"Ooh~ my favorite. Thank you," she gave me a warm and kind smile. Shes one of the most prettiest people I think i've ever met.

"No problem. I cleaned your cheer outfit since I knew you'd need it." I threw her cheer outfit to her.

Her face instantly lit up. "Really? Oh thank you thank you!" She stood up and wrapped me in a tight hug. She pulled away keeping her hands on my shoulders. "Thank you, seriously. Thank you for everything." she hugged me back, putting her face in my neck,"no ones ever done this for me. I really do appreciate it."

"Hey, just being a good friend, your welcome." She pulled away and gave me a bright smile. "If you need anything, you can come to me. Ill always be there to help you." I picked up my plate from the nightstand and began eating my poptart. "Now get changed into your cheer outfit, I'll look away." I turned around to face the wall, being respectful.

Chrissy grabbed her cheer outfit and began putting it on. "Alright I'm done." I turned around and saw the same, ordinary, Chrissy Cunningham, in her usual cheer outfit with her hair up.

I stared at her longer than usual. "You ok?" She questioned.

I shook my head,"yeah, i'm fine. Let me just get ready. Chrissy gave a light nod and sat on the edge of my bed, turned around. I picked out a lazy outfit, hence I wasnt really feeling it today. I put on a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Today wasnt gonna be hot, it was gonna be on the colder side. "Alright, done. So what do you wanna do? Its about 7:30."

"Wanna go to school a bit early? I usually leave around this time." Chrissy said nervously, playing with her skirt.

"Yeah, thats fine. Steves gonna give us a ride, is that alright? I dont have my license." I  chuckled.

"Yeah thats fine," Chrissy chuckled as well.  Her laugh was quite adorable. She looked gorgeous whenever she was happy.

"It might take awhile, Steves probably not done doing his morning hair routine."

Chrissy laughed,"thats alright."

"Ill go get him, Ill be right back." I left the room and knocked on Steves door. I opened the door and peeked through, making sure he wasnt butt ass naked or worse.

He was shirtless and wearing blue jeans. "Ew," I fake gagged. He has a very hairy chest and he swears that the ladys dig it. I dont find it hot in the slightest bit.

"Oh shut up." He said, putting on a dark blue shirt. "You ready?"

"Yep, Chrissy stayed over so she needs a ride."

"Yeah, thats fine. Ill be out in a sec."

I nodded and closed the door, I walked back into my room to see Chrissy looking around. She was looking at my band posters, which consisted of AC/DC, Queen, and a few others. She stopped and looked at me,"he ready yet?" She asked.

"Yeah almost, should be leaving in a minute."


Chrissy and I waved goodbye to Steve as he drove off, going who knows where doing who knows what. That gave me goosebumps thinking about his love life. Chrissy skipped off to the front of the school where the jocks hung out. Jason was there, putting his arm around Chrissy. Pssh,  the fakest relationship I think I've ever seen. Chrissy deserves much better, I hope she realizes it.

I shortly followed along with them. I saw Maria heading my way and I groaned quietly. "Hey Y/N. I think I'm ready for that science test." She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows. She most likely will copy off of me if i'm being honest.

"Yep, your the smartest person ever, i'm sure you'll pass, big time." I said with a bit of sarcasm. I don't think Maria noticed because her smirk was still on her face.

The cheerleaders and jocks began making there way into the school, overcrowding the halls. I heard many remarks of Steves party thats happening tomorrow. I tried keeping my mind off of it, so many things could happen at that party and I didn't want that to flow within my mind. The thought of something bad happening lurked my mind constantly already.

The bell rang and everyone shuffled to there first period class. Today is gonna be a long day, I can already sense lots of things are going to happen.

author note


debating on making y/n and chrissy besties and making y/n ditch maria

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