Hold Her While You Can

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-883 WORDS-


Time passes by and I wake up on Eddies couch. I couldn't tell what time it was but I figured it was late considering how dark it was in the room. I'm still half asleep struggling to keep my eyes open. I was covered up with a blue blanket, Eddie must of covered me up with it. I smiled a bit at that thought.

Although, his couch isnt the comfiest if I'm being honest. I tried turning to my side only to get even more uncomfortable.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down from the hallway. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. It was Eddie. He walked over to me and brushed away the hair from my face.

He stood there for a moment admiring me before he picked me up bridal style. Considering how tired I was, it didn't take me long to fall back asleep.


I stood there admiring Y/Ns features. Her gorgeous face fast asleep on my couch. I can't get over how adorable she looks. She's been tossing and turning all night. I figured I could do her a favor and let her sleep in my bed.

I gently picked her up bridal style and slowly began walking back into my room. I took short glances at her face making sure I don't wake her up.

I walked into my room and gently placed her on my bed. I made sure to move the blanket over so I can tuck her in. I gently placed the covers over her body.

I hopped in bed next to her, not too close cause I dont want her to think I was trying to cuddle with her, and listened to her soft breathing.  Her breathing slow and gentle and her face calm and relaxed. I don't think I want this to end.


I wake up to the sound of dishes clanging and water running. I look around the room not completely sure where I am. Is this, Eddies room? How did I- Oh. He must of brought me in here last night when he came into the living room.

I sat up and stretched out my arms and then my legs. I move my legs over and am now sitting on the bed. I let out a huge yawn and stand up.

I open the door and head into the bathroom first before going back into the living room. I rub my eyes for a moment and thats when my surroundings changed.

"For fucks sake, not now." I groaned. I'm back in the upside down. I've only ever been there once, that was when I was trying to help find Will when he went missing. My surroundings are now red and covered in slimy vines. I could hear a deep ticking in the backround.

"Y/N.." The deep voice growled. I could hear his loud footsteps approaching me. "Go away!" I yelled. "You're not real!"

"Y/N." It said again. This time, it was Amy's voice. It then started banging on the door. "Y/N!" It yelled, this time more angry. The banging got louder, it started banging on the door so much I feared it would break.

"Go away!" I cried, tears began forming in my eyes. I slid down the wall and put my knees to my chest. I covered my ears with my hand and squinted my eyes shut. They were closed so hard I started seeing colorful dots.

The door swung open and I heard Eddie yell my name. "Y/N? Y/N, are you ok?" He asked, with worry in his tone. I let out a huge sob and Eddie came running up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I began sobbing into his chest while he rubbed up and down my back with one hand and the other on my head. How funny is this. In Eddies bathroom, sobbing and shaking in his chest. I tried to ignore the fact me and Eddie are wrapped in eachothers arms and kept thinking about the upside down and Amy.

"It was Amy. " I said between sobs.

"Shh." He hushed and held me tighter. "It's gonna be alright." His calming voice made me feel much better and slowly but surely I calmed down and stopped shaking. Eddie knew my struggles with Amy. He found out due to it spreading around the school and because she was my bestfriend.

"I uh made some food, would you like some?" Eddie asked with a small grin on his face. I nodded my head slowly and he stood up and helped me up.

We walked down the hallway and into the living room. There on a plate were some waffles that seemed a bit burnt. I sniffled and wiped my eyes and sat down at the counter.

Eddie grabbed a plate and placed it in front of me, putting one waffle on it. "Thanks." I said under my breath.

"No problem." Eddie shrugged. "Do you uh, do you wanna talk about what happened in the bathroom?"

I paused for a moment, thinking about Amy again. I shook my head and Eddie sighed.  Something about Eddie though seemed really comforting.

He sure is kind and gentle for a freak.

author note

title: Hold Her While You Can by Stephen Sanchez

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