Completely Unsure

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-486 WORDS-

I wake up to the sound of dishes clashing and loud stomping. Probably my mom, like always. Can she ever be quiet? Did she forget she had kids or something? God damn.

I sit up and stretch my arms getting a nice crack out of my shoulder, which felt amazing. I sit up and realize I still never actually finished my homework. I groaned and grabbed my backpack and set up all my stuff on my desk. Just gonna leave this here then come back to it later.

I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen, praying that my mom actually made food. I'm greeted with the warm smell of bacon and eggs. "Yes" I muttered to myself, punching the air in excitement. I walk into the kitchen and I see Steve cooking. Wheres mom?

"Oh? Hey Steve. Didn't expect you here.." I nudged him in the shoulder. Steve gave me a sassy look. "What cha' cookin, mom?" I teased.

"Will you quit it?" Steve begged. He hates it when I call him mom. But he knows damn well that he acts like one.

Thats the thing about him. He's so caring, I dont know whatd I'd do without him honestly. He takes care of me more than my own mother does. I really look up to him for   that.

"Shut up you know its true." I said, grabbing a plate from the cabinet. I opened the door and grabbed myself a fork."Thanks for the food." I picked up two eggs and a few pieces of bacon.

"Yea, no problem." Steve turned off the stove and also grabbed a plate and a fork, putting one egg and a few pieces of bacon.

"Hey uh, wheres mom?"

"Back on another buisness trip." Steve sighed, a frown forming on his face." Shes gonna be gone for awhile."

"Oh," I sighed in disappointment.

"But hey, you know what that means?" Steve asked, his frown disappeared and a cheeky grin began forming on his face.

"Steve, I swear to god.." I groaned, already knowing what he was gonna say.

"Party~" He said in a sing-songy voice. A huge smile was planted on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Oh come on, don't look at me like that."

"Steve, I wonder what goes on with you and your thinking."  Steve scoffed at my comment.

"Moms not home, spring break is coming up.  Perfect timing. Am I right?"

"Alright, but if I see one couple fucking in my bed, I swear to god you won't be breathing after that."

author note

this is just a filler chapter so you  know whats gonna happen in the future. spring break is in the next week, so they have one more week before.(ik that thats not how it was in stranger things im just changing the plot so it makes sense 🙂)

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