Welcome Home

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-619 WORDS-

(mentions of slight abuse)

Today, my parents come home from their buisness trip. Normally, Id be excited, but considering everything that had happened once they left, I'm more so relieved.  More relieved to recieve the comfort of my parents being there, including Steve.

Now, I'm not relieved to see my dad come home. He's an alcoholic at most and doesn't give a shit about me. But my mom, shes an angel. I adore her capability to make me feel better. She tries to distract me whenever my father gets drunk. He tends to get aggressive. Not that aggressive, mostly a hit every now and then. And thats more towards my mom. It hurts me deeply whenever I see them fight. My heart aches for my mom and what she has to deal with. I pray nothing happened whilst they were gone.

They never told me where they work. So I don't know exactly where they went for their buisness trip, nor do I care. They both work at the same place. Thats where they met.

They met 20 or so years ago. They both applied for the same job and got to work together. Apparently, they clicked and instantly fell in love. Kind of corny to be completely honest.

Once they got married, they moved here, to Hawkins. They got a new job together because they moved farther away. They also wanted to stick together whilst they

A gentle knock on my bedroom door distracted me from my work. "Come in!" I yelled from my desk. I pushed my self away from my desk to get a better look at the door. The door opened and my mom peeked through.

"Hey sweetie," she said gently. A smile found its way on my face. I stood up from my chair and wrapped her in a tight hug. She chuckled lightly,"I missed you too sweetheart. Hows everything been?"

I hesitated for a bit,"its- its been great," I lied, putting on a fake smile as I nodded my head. She didn't seem to see through my lie as she smiled aswell.

"That's good, I made dinner. I want to have a nice family dinner now that we're home."

"Oh um- yeah, I'll be down in a second."

She nodded and walked out of my room, closing the door gently. I let out long breath I didn't know I was holding. A wave of relief flooded through me. Now that my parents are home, I feel a tad bit better. School starts tomorrow so I'm glad my parents are back.

I walked downstairs, already seeing Steve and my dad talking. I walked over to the table and saw a bowl spaghetti by one of the chairs. I smiled at my dad as I sat down. The tension between us filling the room.  My dad had a bottle of alcohol next to his plate. I sighed in disappointment as I looked away.

I took a bite of spaghetti while my dad tried making small talk. "I suppose everythings been going great?" He asked.

"Mhm," I hummed in response. "Yeah, its uh- its been good."

"Thats good."

We sat in silence for a majority of the time, Steve and my dad making small talk every once in awhile, other than that, its just been awkward silence. Once I finished my bowl, I  put it in the sink and walked back into my room. I worry myself seeing the bottle of alcohol next to my dad. I prayed he wouldnt be getting drunk, again. Home and hes already getting into the drinks.

I sprawled myself onto my bed and fell asleep, preparing for whatever shit may happen.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now