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Saturday morning, left with nothing to do. I've already finished my homework on friday during my classes, so there isn't much left to do. I would call Eddie, believe me, but I dont want to bother him. Lord knows what that man does on weekends.

Steve is out with his girlfriend, going on a date at some cafe. He told me he'd be back soon. He left around 1:00, its currently 4:45. I could care less about his love life, much less about his sex life. Grosses me out thinking my brother is out with some girl doing god knows what with her.

Other than that, living with Chrissy has been going great. We've been getting a lot closer and comfortable with eachother, which is amazing and everything I could ever ask for in a friend. I can tell her anything without feeling any discomfort. Unlike with Maria, I couldn't tell her anything without her butting in. Everytime Id rant to her, she'd always give me her personal opinion, saying that I'm in the wrong.

Chrissy also gives great advice. She once told me that in order to get a boys attention, you have to show interest in the things they love. For instance, Eddie likes guitar. I could tell him that I'm interested in that and that I'd love to see him play. Which, to be completely honest, I really really do wanna see him play. I'm already fantasizing about him playing guitar on stage, sweat dripping down, making his body all glossy. His abs showing through his shirt. Dont even get me started.

He told me he plays at the hideout. He already invited me to see him play next weekend, saturday night. He told me I could bring my friends along. And hell yes, I'm bringing Chrissy.

Besides everything else going on, we have just one more month before us seniors graduate. I'm more than happy to say Eddie has a higher chance of graduating, due to the fact I've been helping him study. He told me he was dead serious when he said he was going to flip Principal Higgins the bird, and "run like hell out of there," in those exact words. Oh boy, am I excited to see that go down.

Once we graduate, Steve told me he is going to help me host a party at the hideout, while Eddie performs. Im already excited about the party and its more than a month away. To add on, the things with the upside down and Vecna, have slowly died down. I still get nightmares, but Vecna hasn't made an appearance with me or Max. Lets just hope that it stays that way.

author note

yes yes things may or may not have changed in the plot

PLEASE correct me if the timeline is messed up(in how i set up the story) so i can fix it. i dont have time to go through it at the moment so help me out 😩😩

in the story, its the month of april so they graduate in may. will eddie be alive tho...?🤭🤭

sorry for the boring chapter, its a filler and also so i can get yall excited for the next chapters cause its gonna get freakyyy 😏😏😏

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