The Talk With Max

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"See you at lunch, Chrissy." We hugged goodbye before Chrissy skipped away to go hang out with her friends. I decided to meet up with Maria, even though I wasn't looking forward to dealing with her.

I made my way to the front of the school, already seeing Maria waiting for me. "Y/N! Hi!" She wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Good to see you, Maria." She let me go from her hug and put her hands on my shoulders, looking at me with a confused expression on her face.

"You okay?"

I nodded,"why wouldnt I be?"

"I heard what happened at the party. Some shit went down, ey?"

I sighed as I remembered what happened. The drinking. Jason. Vecna. I wanted to forget of those moments but it wont leave me alone. I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I shook my head. "Mhm."

"No need to be cocky," she took her hands of my shoulders and walked beside me. We began making our way to our lockers.

"Excuse me? I'm not being cocky."

"You are."

"Are not."

"Are to-"

"Maria," I cut her off, "shut up. Youre annoying the shit out of me, god damn."

Maria turned to look at me with the meanest look ever. Her jaw hung open. "Whats with the attitude? Are you on your period or something?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her response, "what the fuck? Who says that?"

"Just asking, youre in such a bitchy mood, Y/N."

I put my stuff away in my locker, slamming the door shut and gaining a few weird looks from people, and walked off, leaving Maria standing there looking like a lost puppy. I'm this close to dropping her and finding someone else. I cant stand her attitude towards me, so I gave her a taste of her own medicine.

I bumped shoulders with someone as I walked down the hallway and immediately apologized,"oh! I am so sorry!" I turned around and realized I bumped into Max, who I havent spoken to in awhile.

"Hey, Y/N? Can we- can we talk for a second? Alone, in the bathroom."

"I- yeah. Yeah, sure."

We made our way to the girls bathroom in silence. Luckily, it was empty, so it was just us. "Are you okay?" I asked, genuinely curious to see why she wanted to talk to me giving we rarely speak.

"I heard what happened at the party, Y/N. Steve told me." What is it with everyone talking to me about the party?

"Oh, yeah. Well, people got a little crazy with the drinks," I joked.

"Not that, the other thing. With um, with Vecna." She whispered that last part to me. I stood there dumbfounded, not really knowing what to say. "It happened to me too, Y/N"

"Wait, really? Are you okay?"

"Y/N, I'm fine. If I'm being honest, I'm a little scared."

"Yeah, me too. But hey, I promise that we're gonna be alright."

Before I could add on, she hugged me. I stood there confused for a moment before hugging her back. She seemed like she really needed it. I could hear soft sobs and sniffles coming from her.

"I keep seeing things Y/N, horrible things. About Billy, and the Mindflayer."

"Hey.. hey, its gonna be okay. Everythings gonna get better, trust me. If you need anything, I'm right here."

"I want it to stop, Y/N."

"I do too. Listen to me, okay? Everything is going to be okay, I promise you that I won't let anything happen to you.

"I love you, so much. Really. You're always understanding."

"I love you too."

Just then, the bell rang and we pulled away from our hug. She wiped away her tears and gave me a faint smile. "I'll see you later. Bye." Max left the bathroom and I stood there for a moment, taking everything in. I felt bad for her, and I can agree with her when I say that I'm also a little bit scared.

author note


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