Daddy Issues

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-634 WORDS-

"Put the bottle down,"she protested. Various bangs echoing the halls.

"I don't have to listen to you," he growled,"I dont have to do shit."

1:33 A.M

I groaned as I sat up from my bed. My parents are arguing, like always. I sighed as I sit on the side of my bed. I crack my back before standing up and walking to my door. I open the door only a little bit just to get a taste of what the arguments about.

"Babe, knock it off before you wake up the kids," I heard my mom plead.

I heard a loud smack in response. "Why won't you listen to me? I'm telling you, something happened while we were gone."

My heart stopped for a moment when I realized he's talking about the party. We got the place completely spotless. He must of realized that all of his alcohol was practically all gone.

"And I'm telling you, that we have good kids. You need to let it go, Dan."

I slowly walked downstairs and saw my mom up against the counter and my dad getting up in her face, boiling with anger. My mom made eye contact with me, causing my dad to also look at me. Her cheek red from where he hit her. "Honey, go back to bed, its late."

"Whats going on?" I questioned, I already knew what was happening, I just have to play clueless.

"Nothing, now get to your room."

"No," I shook my head, walking up to my parents."Dads drunk again, isn't he?"

"No," she breathed,"he's not, now listen to me and get to your room. Now Y/N."

I got in between my parents, separating the two from each other. A strong stench of alcohol came off of my dad.

"Liar, I can smell it off of him."

"Im sorry."

My dad backed away from my mom and I giving us room. By now, I too am boiling with anger.

"I will not let you lay another hand on my mom."

He scoffed,"really? You're just a puny little girl. You can't do anything even if you tried."

"Really? And youre just a bitch father who gets drunk on weekends and abuses his kids."

My dads hands were now in fists. I heard frantic footsteps rush downstairs, automatically knowing that it was Steve.

A stinging sensation rushed through my cheek. He slapped me. Tears filled in my eyes and I made eye contact with Steve, who stood in shock at the end of the stair case.

My dad grabbed an empty beer bottle, I assume which he drank, and threw it towards me, landing on my feet. The glass shards digging into me. I winced in pain as I crouched down, grabbing my foot.

"Clean it up," he spat, and walked up stairs to his bedroom, my mom following along.

I began sobbing silently, picking out the glass shards. My foot is now cut up and bleeding everywhere. Steve rushed to my side with a wet paper towel, placing it on my foot.

"It's ok, I got this. You go back to your room and I'll clean everything up, don't worry about it." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, helping me stand up.

I wiped my face and walked back upstairs and into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my cheek already bruising just below my eye. I assume from my dads wedding ring.

I brushed my teeth and did my skin care routine, every once in a while a tear falls from my cheek.

I walked into my bedroom and sat on my bed. Before I was able to lay down, a knock came from my bedroom window.

author note

title: Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood

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