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"I don't know why he does it Y/N, promise you, he's never been like this to begin with." She said in between sobs.

I held her close rubbing her back with one hand and holding her head with the other, slowly rocking side-to-side. Her quiet sobs and sniffles filling the room.

"It's gonna be okay," I assured," I promise." Chrissy pulled away from our tight hug and wiped the tears from her face. "Why don't we get some rest, ok?. Ill take you to school tomorrow. You can wear my clothes."

Chrissy nodded as she crawled to the left side of my bed. I crawled in next to her. "Thank you," she whispered,"for everything."

"No problem, I'm just looking out for you."


"Chrissy, wake up." I gently shook her. She groaned as she turned over on her side facing me. She rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. She opened her eyes and gave a tired smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning," she yawned. I laid out a pair of clothes for her to wear on the bed. She slowly sat up and lifted the blankets off her.

"Heres your clothes. I have breakfast downstairs."


I left the room, giving her privacy. I walked downstairs, along with Steve, and saw my mom finishing the rest of breakfast. She turned around and gave a light smile.

"Morning," she walked up to us and gave us a kiss on the cheek. She cupped my cheek with her hand, rubbing under my eye where my bruise was. She put her forehead against mine, whispering,"I'm sorry"

"It's ok, it wasnt your fault."

Chrissy walked downstairs shortly after, wearing the sweatpants and crop top I gave her. "Good morning Mrs. Harrington, morning Steve." She greeted. I had already told my mom Chrissy was over, she didn't seem to mind.

"Good morning hun, how did you sleep?"

"Oh, very well, thanks for asking." Chrissy made her way to the kitchen counter and sat on one of the stools, I sat down next to her. My mom had made pancakes, along with scrambled eggs.

She gave us all a plate and we began eating our breakfast.

author note

hiii so i have a bit of writers block which is why this chapter is so short. i apologize. im also sick so i might not update as much.anyway, who do you wanna see more of?

chrissy and y/n

steve and y/n

eddie and y/n

or max and y/n

let me know! Ily all ❤️

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now