This is the Last Time

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"What are you so afraid of?" Vecna asked. He watched as Y/N ushered around Hawkins lab, searching for a way out, searching for any other signs of life. "Why won't you join me?"

"I will never join you." Y/N stopped her ushering and stood in front of Vecna, making sure she wasn't too close to him, speaking through gritted teeth. "Your sick and evil games you like to play, they don't scare me." Although, on the inside, Y/N was cowering with fear. Vecna could sense the fear, it almost made him laugh.

"Your cruel and sadistic, I'll never join you; I'm not putting up with this anymore." Y/N pivoted back around to the big white doors of Hawkins Lab and legged it down the hall. She grabbed the planks that boarded the door and tried to rip them off, each one taking more than 10 seconds to take off. Once she ripped off atleast 3 of them, she was sure she could open the doors and climb through, so she did just that. She pushed open the doors and Y/N stiffened at the sight. She was greeted with her old house. The broken glass and blood still lay on the floor. She walked inside with her stomach forming millions of knots, causing her to feel nauseous and extremely lightheaded.

There lay Steve, his bones shattered and jaw dislocated. Y/N covered her eyes and let out a muffled sob. She slowly turned her body the other way and ignored the fact her brother is dead and broken on the floor. Was this how it ends? She knew she couldn't give Vecna the satisfaction that he clearly craved. She didn't want to give him anything. Vecna knew of her stubbornness and her weaknesses. He can sense how hopeless she feels.

Just before she could take a few steps, Vecna threw her into the kitchen counter, gaining a satisfactory scream/moan in response. Y/Ns body thumped to the floor and her breathing quickened. The pain and pressure in her back made it hard for her to breathe. Of course, Vecna showed no mercy. He lifted her into the air with ease, stopping her breathing. She kicked and kicked and kicked, struggling under his tight grip against her throat. "Please," she moaned out. Vecna didn't care. Vecna didn't care at all. For he had a mission he is going to complete. He won't let some scrawny little teenagers get in his way.

He threw her straight into the wall of the living room, making the painting that was hung up fall on top of her as she fell. She groaned as she felt the edge of the painting dig into her back, cutting open her back. She could feel the cold liquid drip down her back. She shakily lifted herself up with her arms and weakly stood up. The painting fell to the ground. Thump!

"Join me, we can rule the world." Vecna asked once more. Y/N didn't want the world, she wanted Steve. She wanted Eddie. Anybody that could provide that comfortable feeling of home that she misses.

"Never." Y/N weakly smirked. "You're not real. You're too scared to come out and face me in person, so you continue to communicate with me through my nightmares. Are you scared?" Vecna growled as he walked closer to her. Her smirk falling clear off her face, being replaced with a frown. Vecna lifted his larger hand above her small little head and dug his monstrous nails into her skull. Y/N screamed as numbness spread through out her body. Crack! Crack! Crack!


"Shh!" I hushed Y/N as she was being rather loud. She stomped around my bedroom, ignoring the fact my mom is just downstairs and unaware that Y/N still lives with us. "Stay here, I'm gonna get our stuff then we'll leave." I whispered. I walked downstairs and tried my best to quietly make it into the laundry room, where all of our weapons and other things were hidden.

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