Dazed and Confused

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My vision came to a blur. All I could see were shadows of people standing above me. I could hear the whispers of people. 'Is she ok?' 'Y/N wake up.' and tons of other nonsense.

I felt myself being picked up by someone but I could quite make out who it was.

My vision slowly came back and I realized that it was Eddie who picked me up. "Your gonna be ok, Y/N." He assured me, moving my hair out of my face and looking deep into my eyes,"I promise."

I could hear Jason yelling in the distance. I couldn't tell what he was saying. Thats when I lost my consciousness, again.

I wiped the blood off from my nose. I turned to Jason and gave one final swing at him leaving him breathless on the ground.

"Pussy." I spat at him. He sat himself up with his elbow and gave me the nastiest look ever. He wiped the blood off from his nose. "Fuck off you freak."

I kicked him in the grion area making him whimper like a puppy. Wimp. I turned around and saw a crowd of people surrounding someone who seemed to be on the ground. I made my way through the crowd and saw Y/N unconscious.

"Shit," I muttered to myself. She was sure to have a concussion. I kneeled down on the ground beside her, gently tapping her cheeks to see if I could wake her up. I checked her for anymore damage and she seemed to be fine.

I don't know what to do at this point. I decided to pick her up, bridal style, and pushed myself through the crowd. I brushed away her hair from her face. Shes the most beautiful human being I think I've ever seen. "You're gonna be ok, Y/N. I promise."

Jason was still sitting there breathless on the ground."Fuck you think you're going?" Jason stumbled to his feet. I ignored him not wanting to deal with his ass again.

"Hey!" Jason yelled. "Freak! Where are you going with her? What did you do to her you asshole."

"What did I do?" I spat at him." I didn't do shit. This is your doing."

"I would never." Jason scoffed. "Give her here. I'll take her home."

I shook my head. "Fuck no." I started walking away from him. Who the hell does he think he is? Blaming this on me? That dickwad doesn't know shit. And I'm sure of it that he doesn't care about Y/N at all.

I gently placed Y/N down in the passenger seat of my van, making sure I dont hurt her in any way. I made sure to lay the seat all the way down so Y/N can lay down. I cant get enough of her beauty. I stared at her for a second before I shut the passenger side door and walked to the drivers side.

Jason stood there watching my every move. I flipped him off as I hopped in my seat. I started the car and headed to my trailer. This was one hell of a night.


I woke up to the sound of shuffling, unaware of my surroundings. My head is pounding and my vision is slightly blurry. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself. I was laid across a couch with a blanket on top of me.

I tried to sit myself up but I felt so weak. I took a deep breath as I tried to figure out my surroundings and where I could possibly be. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from across the room.

There stood a man with long, brown, wavy hair. Eddie. I'm in Eddies house? "Hey.." He said to me softly." How you feeling?" He asked as he put his hand against my forehead.

"I- um I feel ok. I guess." I mumbled. I made eye contact with Eddie. Gosh his eyes are gorgeous. His deep brown color of his doe eyes are simply amazing. The shimmer within them give me the chills.

"You were out for awhile there." Eddie chuckled. It took me awhile to realize that he had a black eye and a bruise on his lip. Along with a huge cut on his forehead. It took all the energy and strength within me to sit up.

"Woah woah." Eddie put his arms up against me as if to hold me up or to support me. "Take it slow.

"Eddie? What happened to you?" I put my fingers on his black eye and the cut on his forehead. He winced as I backed off. "Sorry." I muttered.

"No its ok." He scratched his head and then the back of his neck. "I beat Jasons ass thats what I did." Eddie laughed.

I sat there in complete shock. "W-wait you did what?" My mouth hung open. "Jasons gonna kill me!"

"No way in hell is he gonna lay another finger on you." Eddie put his hand on my shoulder and cupped my face with his other hand."Ill make sure of it." He gave me a teethy grin.

"You hungry?" Eddie asked. I nodded my head. Eddie walked over to his kitchen and grabbed something. "All I got is left over pizza. You don't have to eat it though."

"No no. Its fine. Ill eat it." I smiled at him as I took the plate. "Thank you."

"Oh no problem." Eddie sat next to me on the couch. I took a deep breath as I put my hand on my head. The pain getting worse by the minute.

"You ok? You did hit your head pretty hard."

"Yea I have a throbbing headache." I groaned. Eddie quickly got up and grabbed something from the cabinet. He walked back over to me with a cup of water and some pills that seemed to be ibuprofen.

I sighed as I took the water and the ibuprofen. I put it in my mouth and downed the water. "Thanks" I smiled. Eddie nodded and sat back down next to me.

"Your welcome." We sat there for a minute in silence."Would you uh- would you wanna watch a movie?"

"Oh of course!" I said excitedly."What movie?"

"Oh um, Nightmare on Elm Street." Eddie said nervously. I gasped as he looked at me confused. "You're kidding! Thats like one of my favorite movies of all time." Eddie gave me a wide smile.

"Alright, let me find the VHS." Eddie got up and looked for the VHS in the drawer of the TV stand. He found it and put the VHS in the TV and turned it on.

We began watching Nightmare on Elm Street, together, on the couch, cuddled up against each other. It made me feel comfortable, I hadn't spoken to Eddie in a long time, and boy I do regret that.

"You know," I cleared my throat,"Im glad we're talking again, I would love to be friends again."

Eddies breath hitched at what I said. "Wow. Really?"

I laughed,"come one dude, your one hell of a dude. You seem really cool. I don't really give a shit about the cheerleaders and jocks."

"Yeah um, I wanna be friends again too."

I rested my head on his shoulder,"thats nice."

30 minutes passed as I laid in that position and it didnt take long for me to fall asleep.


30 minutes into the movie I realized that Y/N fell asleep on my shoulder. I chuckled silently to myself and stood up gently laying Y/N down on the couch. I turned the TV off and put the VHS away.

I walked over to Y/N and chuckled lightly. Her face looked calm, even after being injured and dealing with tons of shit. I have to say, she really takes it in well.

I put a blanket over her body and made sure she was still asleep. After that, I walked back into my room and layed down on my bed.

author note

title: Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin

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