Lake Party

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-1280 WORDS-

⚠️TW: GORE(mentions of guns, knifes)⚠️


Chrissy and I walked around the store, looking for any kind of weapon we could possibly use. We ended up finding some knifes that we could use to make spears. I looked around for Y/N, spotting her at the check out with some guy. He had curly brown hair with a hat on. As I looked at his outfit, I recognized who he is. One of the basketball players that plays with Jason. Jason and his team must be here if hes here talking to Y/N.  Not completely sure why they're here, yet again, they do go hunting a lot. Although, this place isn't the "hunting material."

"Hey, Chrissy? I'll be right back." Chrissy nodded her head and I gave her the knife that I held in my hand. I rushed over to
Y/Ns side, wrapping my arm around her waist, keeping her as close to me as possible. She grabbed my hand that was holding her waist and squeezed it tight, holding the gun close to her chest with her other hand.

"Aw, look who it is, the freak. What are you two doing here?" Andy asked, looking at the both of us, crossing his arms over his torso and rocking back and forth on his heels.
Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Scary times." Y/N harshly replied, gripping the gun she was golding tighter. Andy nodded his head in agreement.

"I see. You know, that kind of gun is usually used for hunting. Depends if thats what your using it for."

"Yep, planning on um- on going hunting with some of my friends." Y/N gave a small smile as Andy continued pushing out questions.

"Whatcha huntin' for?"

"Oh um, not really sure what they're doing?" Y/N looked up at me, asking me what to do with her eyes. I looked back up at Andy, who was smirking slightly.

"Why dont you leave us alone so we can go on our merry way, hm? Got places to be. Hunting soon." I gave him a fake smile as he scoffed and walked off. I looked back at Y/N who seemed uncomfortable. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. Lets just buy our shit and get out, alright?" Y/N nodded slowly and continued checking out her stuff.

"'Merry way.'" Y/N chuckled. I nudged her with my shoulder, making her push me away. I chuckled as I walked back over to Chrissy so we too, can buy our stuff.



"Chrissy!" I whisper yelled from across the hall. Chrissy very quickly ran out of her room and shut the door quietly before running as quietly as possible down the stairs.

Chrissy and I are sneaking out to head over to Jasons lake/birthday party. I don't want to go, but Chrissy insisted I do. I have my bikini on, just in case I do swim, but I'm not planning on it. Jason will be gawking at me if I do plan on swimming.

I opened the front door and walked down the drive way, Chrissys heels being the only noise. "Dude, were heels necessary? It's a fucking lake party."

"I'm not swimming!" Chrissy whisper yelled rather aggressively. She ran over to me, catching up with me on the side walk, nearly dropping her purse. We decided it would be better if we walked, lovers lake is only like a 5-10 minute walk, and its around 8:00 and everyone in the house is already asleep.

After walking for about 7 minutes, we arrive at the lake, already being crowded with people. Music blaring through the speakers. Chrissy left my side to go hang out with Jason, as I just stood there. I don't know anyone here, instant regret filling me as I should have stayed home.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me turn around. I was greeted with Patrick who gave me a warm smile as his hands were tucked behind his back. He's a friend of mine, who I'm not the closest with, still, he's apart of the basketball team. "Hey," he said softly as I was barely able to hear him over the music. Sweater Weather playing in the backround, odd music choice for a party run by Jason. Assuming Chrissy must have chosen the song.

"Oh! Hey, nice to see you." I smiled at him, making sure he's comfortable around me. I know that he's a sweet guy, especially for being apart of the basketball team, and that he's more on the shy side rather than being so uptight.

He's always been a gentleman towards me. He respects my boundaries, sometimes trash talks Jason with me. I knew from the start he never liked Jason. He told me he used basketball as a getaway and for popularity. All his life, he's been bullied for countless things. He's experienced racism left and right. Jasons never paid close attention to him as he was very quiet and doesn't talk much. He follows along with everyone else and never really tries to get into drama, which I respect.

"Yeah, nice to see you too. Hey, um, I don't really feel like hanging around Jason tonight. I was hoping you'd swim with me?"

A wave of relief hit me as I secretly thanked Patrick for asking me to swim with him. I quickly nodded my head and agreement and we made our way to the lake, a bit farther away from everyone else.

"Race ya!" I yelled as I took off my pants and shirt before I ran into the water and started swimming, throwing my clothes off to the side. Patrick hesitated to jump in, quickly joining me ripping his shirt off and legged it into the water.

I stopped to get a breath of air as I see Patrick no longer behind me. I moved my hair out of my face to get a better look, still seeing no signs of Patrick. The water creating small ripples from where he used to be, and from me treading water.

"Patrick?" I called out,"ha-ha, very funny."

I turned around to see if he was ahead of me, still no signs of him. I began to panic as I worried he may have drowned. "Patrick?" I called out again. I looked over at the party who seemed to be almost not visible from how far away we are, the fog taking my view.

"Help!" I screamed, no one heard. I yelled out again but not a single sound could be heard from me. Just then, Patrick shot up out of the water, floating in the air above me. I instantly recognized what was happening as Steve explained to me before that this is exactly what happened to me.

His bones snapped, making loud cracking noises as each of his bones broke into pieces. His jaw dislocated, his eyes shot into the back of his skull, blood pouring out from his sockets. It all happened so quickly.

Patricks body fell back into the water, leaving me breathless and unable to move out of fear. I looked back at the party, nobody sensing anything. I swam as fast as I could to get out of that water, and away from everything.

Once I made it back to shore, I quickly threw on my clothes and ran, going wherever my legs will take me.

author note:

this will all come together don't you worry

i truely love you all, but this book is coming to an end shortly. <333

ill be making a steve harrington fic with a female oc <3 :))

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