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-2064 WORDS-

(mentions of blood)


"She said she was at Skull Rock." I explained, gaining a few relieved looks. I looked around the room and could see everyone in the group sitting around the coffee table in Chrissys livingroom, all in some deep discussion.

"Okay, lets head over there and get her. She can tell us everything that happened." Steve stood up from the couch, along with Robin. "Then we can finally get some sleep, holy shit." He chuckled slightly, running his fingers through his hair while shaking his head slightly. One by one, everyone walked out of the house and into eachothers cars.

I actually ran here because, just to make things worse than it already is, my van broke down on the way back to my trailer. Its a piece of shit anyway, Wayne and I can't afford to get a new one. Im stuck with walking everywhere I go now. Believe me, I'm not the biggest fan of walking, rather than anything physical. I almost failed P.E.

I headed back to my trailer once I saw that Y/N was gone. Steve was passed out on the couch, and I couldn't find Chrissy either. I didn't know what to do, I thought it'd be best to let it go. I stayed at her place for the rest of the week and needed to go back home for some things. I went back and grabbed some stuff I figured would be good for fighting Vecna and all that upsidedown bullshit. I also had to feed my dog, Lonnie. Waynes barely ever home and probably never fed him. We found him on the road last week and took him in. But I quickly forgot about all that stuff once I heard Y/Ns voice boom through the walkie talkie. I dropped all of my things and booked it down the road.

As I made my way over to the other side of the car, Max, Lucas, and Dustin started getting in the backseat; Nancy, Robin, and Chrissy taking Nancys car.

I let out a shaky breath as Steve started the car and began backing out of the driveway. Steve floored it down the road, reminding me of me an Y/Ns first date as she was screaming almost the whole entire ride. Shes been scared to ride with me ever since that day. Although, I don't blame her, I do drive fast. Thats because I have zero patience. Luckily, I never got pulled over, which even suprised me.

The thought of Y/N being out in the almost middle of nowhere, scares me. She's most likely in distress and overall confused. She sounded like she was crying when she reached me on the walkie talkie. Her voice cracked and it sounded like her throat was dry. Her breathing was fast and unsteady and it was difficult to understand what she was saying. I almost couldn't recognize her voice.

I knew that once I heard Skull Rock, thats where I had to go. It was the only location she gave me. Its worth a try to look for her there.

"You were sharing a bed with Y/N, right?" Steve asked, looking over at me for a split second then looking back at the road.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Steve groaned in frustration and rubbed his eye with one hand.

"You didnt hear her leave?"

"No, not at all. You were in the livingroom, you didnt hear her leave either. I don't see a reason why I'm to blame."

"Its just- why would she leave on such short notice?"

"I overheard the conversation she had with Chrissy. About them going to the party." I could sense Steves anger rise as I said that. Of course, I had no choice but to not tell him earlier as I knew he'd have a bad reaction to it.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now