Still Ill

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⚠️TW: GORE⚠️

-1128 WORDS-

My pounding head woke me up from my not so peaceful sleep. I woke up from yet another nightmare feeling like absolute shit.

I realized I wasnt in my original outfit that I fell asleep in. Im in a baggy shirt and sweatpants. I look in my closet and see my dress hung up. I slowly sit up, lifting my blanket off me. I got very dizzy all of the sudden. I look down on the ground and see Amys body on the ground, blood spilled everywhere. I scream and quickly crawl to the back of my bed, hitting the wall.

"Y/N." That deep voice called out. I let out a soft sob. The door creaked open and the monster stood underneath the door frame. "Join me."

"No.. Never." I shook my head, by now, I was fully sobbing. The monster got more angry and began walking up to me. I tried to move further away but I was against the wall, with nowhere to go. The monster stood at the end of my bed, looking down at me."Please," I cried out.

I closed my eyes tight and thought of all those happy memories I had with my friends. The memories of the middle school snowball flooded my mind. Dancing with my friends, laughing, and just being stupid in general.

I opened my eyes slowly, my surroundings have changed and I was in the middle of the room at school. I'm back at the snowball. Music began playing. I turned around and saw vecna walking up to me. "Go away!" I yelled, I started backing away as it got closer.

My surroundings faded into a dark, and red place. Grandfather clocks floated in the distance. It seemed like it was the upside down, but I knew what it looked like, and this was different.

I felt vines wrap around my arms and legs. I was dragged and held against something. I squirmed, trying to get out of its grip.

"Its time, for your suffering, to end." It got closer to be, I was locked in my place. I looked up as he slowly put his hand up to my face.


"Y/N?" I called out softly, as I heard heavy breathing. I sat up as I was sleeping on the floor of her room, just to make sure she was okay for the night.

I sit up and see Y/N sitting straight up, breathing heavy. "Y/N?" I call out again. I stand up and take a second to look at her. Her eyes a fluttering, as if theyre being pulled to the back of her head. Her breathing picked up and her lip started quivering.

"Y/N!" I put my hands on her shoulder and started shaking her. My heart started pounding in my chest. "Steve! Get your ass in here!"

Steve barged through the door, once he saw what was happening he put his hands in his hair."Oh shit! Oh shit!" He repeated. He rummaged through her room looking for something. Opening drawers, throwing things around, looking like a mad man.

"What are you fucking doing?!" I yelled.

"This happened before with Max, I need her walkman. Wheres her walkman?!"

"Shit! I- I don't know! I've never seen her with it!"

"Shit! Um- I- shit, look around. We need her favorite song!"

Steve and I darted from drawer to drawer looking for Y/Ns walkman. "I- I got it! It's right here!" I yelled out, Steve came back into Y/Ns room after searching the whole house.

I saw The Runaways cassette tape already in the walkman. I looked at Steve and shrugged,"lets just wing it."

I put the headphones on Y/N and played the music. Cherry Bomb began blasting through the headphones. I backed away slowly, my heart pounding faster than ever. I don't know whats gonna happen, but considering how terrified Steve is, I'm assuming its bad.

Steve stood next to me with his head in his hands. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. It wasn't going well because I'm also terrified.

Y/N was lifted off the bed and started floating."Holy- holy shit dude!" I screamed. I stumbled back and fell onto the ground, along with Steve.


As the monster put its large hand over my face, Cherry Bomb blarred in the backround. A portal opened behind it. I see Eddie and Steve yelling my name, along with me floating in the air. It turned to look at the portal, then back at me.

"They can't save you, Y/N." It shook it's head. I struggled to breathe as a vine slowly wrapped around my neck.

"Let me go," I choked out. It chuckled at me as I struggled to breathe. I closed my eyes shut, preparing for the worst. I grabbed one of its vines on its body and ripped it off. The vines let go of me, giving me the chance to get my ass out of here.

Down the street, I'm the girl next door.

I stumbled to my feet and ran as fast as I could, not daring to look back.

Im the fox you've been waiting for!

Objects began falling from the sky, making me slip and fall back to the ground. I got up as fast as I can and continued running like hell.

Hello daddy, Hello mom. Im your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- cherry bomb!

The music gave me a sense of adrenaline and I began running faster. I could see Steve and Eddie in the distance, which gave me more hope.

Hello world Im your wild girl, I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- cherry bomb!

The vines wrapped around my ankle yet again, making slip and fall to the ground. "No!" I screamed. I kicked my feet, struggling to get out of its grip.

Stone age love and strange sounds too
Come on baby let me get to you

I flipped over and bent down to my ankle, biting the vine off. It tasted horrible, that didn't matter to me at the moment. What mattered was that I make it out alive.

Bad nights cause'n teenage blues
Get down ladies you've got nothing to lose

I got back on my feet and ran once again. I ran once again, this time faster. I wasn't going to lose to some monster.

Hello daddy, Hello mom. Im your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- cherry bomb! Hello world Im your wild girl, I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- cherry bomb!

I screamed in victory as I made it closer to the portal. I jumped through and everything went black.

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