Wanted: Dead or Alive

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"Dustin, I've told you a thousand times, I know where it is." Steve groaned, obviously frustrated as the curly haired boy next to him refused to follow with him. Eddie walked along side Steve, shining the flashlight at any given noise that came from the woods.

"I don't trust you." Dustin bickered. He held out the compass in front of him, waving it around as the compass began spinning uncontrollably. "Why won't this stupid thing work?"

"Let me see it," Steve snatched it from his hands and started shaking it up and down. He took a closer look at it, then suddenly, it stopped. The compass went back to normal, leaving the two boys confused.  The boys stopped in their
tracks and stared at it in awe. The girls, Nancy, Chrissy, and Robin appeared from behind them.

"Dingus," Robin said rather loudly into his ear, gaining a quiet scream in response. Steve turned to look at the girl as she stood there with her arms crossed, and eyebrow raised. "Why'd you stop walking?"

"Dustins compass isn't working." Steve said in a funny voice as he waved it around in her face, making her step back and slap it out of his hands. Ding! "Which I don't see a problem with as I know where I'm going!" Dustin stuck his tongue out at him childishly.

"Blah blah blah, I don't care. Lets go," Nancy said, rather harshly as Steve took it too personally, making him frown and continue walking. Dustin grabbed the compass which had previously been cracked when Robin slapped it out of Steves hand, he frowned and put it in the back pocket of his jeans.

"Its just up here," Steve said as he shined the flashlight in front of him, avoiding any large rocks that crossed his path. The group continued to yell Y/Ns name as they made their way to Skull Rock.


I groaned as I woke up to the sound of dishes clashing together. As I opened my eyes and saw that Y/N was no longer on the couch next to me anymore, I sat up in my seat and looked around the room. Nancy and Robin lay on the floor by the couch. Dustin, Lucas, and Max on the other side of the coffee table just by the T.V. All of them cuddled up against each other. I assumed Steve took the master bedroom. We decided to leave Y/N on the couch as she looked more comfortable there.

I sat up from the recliner and walked towards the noise that was coming from the kitchen. As I made my way into the kitchen, I saw Y/N rummaging through the cabinets in search for something. I chuckled a bit which made her head whip around to face me. I put my hands up in defence as a look of relief washed over her face. She was holding a muffin in her hands along with a plate.

"What are you doing?" I asked, dragging out my words a bit. Y/N put down the plate that contained the muffin and ran over to hug me tightly. She buried her face into my neck.

"I missed you." She mumbled into my neck. I hugged her back even tighter and rocked us side-to-side slightly. I wrapped my arm around her waist while holding her head, playing with her hair a bit. I don't recall a single time shes ever said shes missed me.

"I missed you too."  I smiled, "although its only been a day." I chuckled as she pulled away, giving me a dramatic frown and furrowing her eyebrows. She went back over to her muffin and took the wrapper off, scarfing the muffin down.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now