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"You didn't think to tell me that you were having nightmares and all that Vecna shit again?" Eddie questioned as he paced my bedroom. Once we woke up in the morning, the first thing Steve did was call everybody who is apart of this whole upsidedown thing. I pulled Eddie aside and told him what had happened, and he's not happy about it.

"I never said I was having nightmares, Eddie." I snapped. "I didn't even know he'd come back for me." Eddie tilted his head in confusion. "Vecna? I- You know what I mean. The point is, I thought I was completely fine. I haven't been having nightmares or anything. And plus, he didn't try and kill me, he simply showed me things. Horrible things to be exact. Now, I'm just scared. I can't even begin to say the things he showed me. It's all too much. Everything is all too much!"

"Okay, now calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down when you know what I mean! Everything is piling up and its stressing me out. How do we do this whole upsidedown shit while focusing on school? How do I fight Vecna when he knows I'm at my breaking point? He knows of my weaknesses because he's in my head. He'll get me when I'm most vulnerable and attack. Then boom, everything he showed me, comes true."

Eddie stopped pacing the room and turned to look at me, not replying to me because he simply couldn't form the words. The silence echoing off of the walls. The only sound there is is our breathing. Along with quiet talking from downstairs. We sat in silence for a few moments before continuing.

"You need to calm down and take a minute to think about it. Fuck school, okay? What matters is that you make it out of this alive and well. Health is more important than school. You, are more important than school. Nothing of school is worth more than you. Not some shitty math homework. Not some cheer sluts who write shit on your lockers. Not your science tests and math tests and all that bullshit. Okay? Just because you're struggling, does not mean you let him in. Because if you do, then all that shit he showed you, which I don't even know what it is because you won't tell me, will come true."

I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding. Eddies speech made me feel better, knowing how much he actually cares for me, bringing a smile to my face as I wiped my eyes with my palms, adjusting to the light a bit.

Then he continued and asked me," when will you realize you're worth more than you think?"

I didn't reply to his question as I didnt know the answer to it. My head hung low in defeat as I looked at my hands that were fiddling with my shirt. Eddie walked over and sat down next to me in bed, putting a comforting arm around my waist. He lifted my head up by my chin, forcing me to look at nothing but him.

"I love you, okay?"

author note

omg he said it

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now