I'm Still Standin'

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"So whats our next move?" Eddie asked, breaking the barrier of silence. His eyes scanned around the group who sat dumbfounded and stared at him blankly. "What? We cant just fucking sit here!"

"Hes got a point," I butted in. "We cant just fucking sit here and basically wait for death." I heard Steve exhale a frustrated sigh from beside me, his hand running through his brown locks, contemplating. "Do any of you have ideas? Anything? Nancy? Lucas? Come on!"

Eddie stared at the ground in thought, his hand scratching nervously at the back of his neck. "Actually, I got one but you aint gonna like it."

"Whys that?" My eyes practically burned through his.

"It involves splitting up and leaving some people to fend for themselves."

"Abso-fucking-lutely not."

"What!? Whats the better option?? Wait here for this thing to find us and snatch our asses?" Eddie barked. "And besides, it doesnt have to be like, permanent or anything. Just for a short while. A quick run to explore the surroundings. If thats even possibe with this ash shit and fucking goo."

"Splitting up is the dumbest thing we could possibly do."

"Is it now? So you wanna just sit here and play the waiting game? If we split up we could cover way more ground than just, sitting around here."

"Better than splitting up and taking the risk of us dying!"

"Id rather risk my life and have a chance of beating this fucker than sitting here while you have your thumb up your ass!" Eddie yelled. "I'm heading out and going to my place. Come if you want, or sit here and wait for the inevitable, I dont care. But Im not staying here." Eddie glared at me for a second as if waiting for me to stand up and follow him, a kind of hurt glimmering in his hazel eyes. He exhaled a sigh and marched off.

"Youre just gonna get your ass eat!" I groaned exasperatingly and stood up with a grunt, Steve protectively standing beside me.

"Yeah yeah I know how to cover my ass!" Eddie called back. "At least I'm not doing nothing. Besides, I wouldn't mind my ass being eaten!" Eddie smirked with a wink before he walked off, disappearing into the dense fog.

I stared and watched him go with a scowl before groaning petulantly and sprinting behind him. "Youre fucking stupid."

"Am I though? I mean sure Im stupid but you're about to go with me." Eddie said over his shoulder, smirking at me. "That kinda makes you just as stupid."

I ignored his remark. "Do you even know the way to your house from here?"


"Good one, Munson."


so ive just had this sitting here and tbh prolly not gonna edit or add more chapters cause I don't know what else to write so ill just plop this down and then dip ✌️

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