The 3 Strong Words

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-780 WORDS-

On the edge of my bed, sat both Eddie and I. Both completely shocked at what Eddie had said. Of course, I don't know how to respond. Could it have been an accident? Or was it meant to be as friends? Many questions roam around my head as I try and figure the answer to each and everyone of them.

On the other hand, I could hear Eddie mumbling insults to himself. Picking at his fingers and biting his lip out of pure embarrassment. Dont get me wrong, I love him too. But, we haven't gotten into a relationship yet, so is it really necessary?

We've kissed once, and that was on our first date. The only other man I have kissed, is Jason. He was my first kiss. It happened before we started dating all the way back in sophomore year. He wanted to talk to me privately to address me his feelings. Giving that, he also kissed me. I was desperate at the time, and wanted to show off to my friends that I was able to get into a relationship. And of course, it worked. It didn't last that long cause we broke up after a year of dating. Jasons not too happy about it. He started dating Chrissy right after.

He's tried multiple times to get me back, multiple pathetic attempts. I've told him many times and he doesnt understand. What I think is that he wants me for my looks, my body, anything he can get his hands on. He never really cared, I knew from the start that he only wanted me because I was one of the "hottest and smartest girls in our grade," as Jason stated, "anything a man could ever ask for." Do I really believe that? No. Never once have I believed his compliments. I knew that I was the smartest girl in our grade, I was proud of it too.

Once we finally started dating, he used me mainly to copy off of my work, help him on tests, presentations, anything he wasnt capable of doing. I decided to go with it because it got me even more popular. Jason also used me to prove to everyone that he too could get into a relationship. He put me on display like a 1st place trophy. Showing me off to everyone. I felt on top of the world then, standing above everyone as they looked up to me in awe. I felt like a god, I gained so much power from Jason. But that power wasn't any good.

It made me a total jerk.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Eddie sigh deeply. He stood up from my bed, and made his way over to the door. He turned around and I could see that his face is a bit red. "I'm sorry," He apologized, his head hung low.

"What? Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for." I stood up and walked over to him. I lifted his head up, gaining his eye contact. I hesitated for a moment, thinking if I should really say this or not. "I love you too, okay?"

Eddie looked at me with confusion written all over his face. I gave him a warm smile in reply."Really?"

"Yes, really, you big doof." I rolled my eyes playfully and walked back over to my bed, sitting down up against the wall."What makes you think I don't?"

"Oh well, I just thought that it's too soon, you know?"

"I understand, take it slow, okay? Got all the time you need."

Eddie smiled as he made his way over to me. He sat down at the edge of the bed.  Out of the blue, he started tickling my feet, making be burst out in laughter. I kicked my legs, trying to get his hands away. This only made him get on top of me start tickling my waist.  He laughed at me as I wiggled around trying to get away.

"Stop!" I yelled through laughs. Eddie still held me down and continued tickling me around my waist and stomach. I pushed him off and shot up from my bed and ran over to the door. By now, my breathing is heavy and uneven. "God, sometimes I hate you."

Eddie laughed at me and threw one of my pillows at me. I caught the pillow and walked over to him, hitting him in the head with it. "Hey!" He yelled. I laughed at him and threw the pillow back onto my bed.

"Hate to ruin the mood, but lets head back downstairs and see what the issue is."

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