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-568 WORDS-

The bell rang for 5th period, which is my lunch. I'm glad that today is almost over. I could practically die at how slow the hours are passing by.

I made my way into the cafeteria, grabbing lunch, and going to sit by Maria and the others. Brave of me to sit by Jason, after what happened, he cut me off completely. I'm not complaining, I'm glad.

I sat next to Maria, who was sat by Chrissy, which Chrissy was sitting by Jason, so I'm pretty distanced from him. Chrissy and Jason seem tense, I suppose Chrissy found out about what he did. I hope she finds out that he's not worth it. He's a jackass and a player.

"Y/N, I need help with the science homework. Please, for the love of god, help me." Maria pleaded. I groaned as this was the 5 thousandth time she'd asked me.

"At this point, I should just do your homework for you." I said, sarcastically. I began eating my sandwich, which was dry and unappetizing, so I quickly spit it out and threw it away.

"Will you actually?"

"Oh my god, Maria, I was being sarcastic."

Maria shook her head and begun eating her food aswell,"so you'll do it?"

I nodded my head angrily, trying to make it obvious that the conversation is over, she clearly didn't get the memo.

"Whats your problem? Ever since the party, you've been nothing but a bitch to me. I'm starting to think something else may have happened."

I slammed my hand on the table, making everything clatter and cause a bunch of noise, gaining the attention of the whole table. "Maria, can't you take a fucking hint? Isn't it obvious?"

"Is what obvious?"

"You're so fucking dumb, Maria! You're the bitch here. Making me do your fucking homework, you bitching and complaining about everything. Talking about certain topics that I'm clearly not comfortable with. When will it end? When will you finally take your head out of your ass?"

"What is your problem, Y/N? You've been so snappy with me and giving me this random attitude. You're being so fucking annoying right now."

"Me? Annoying? You're the one whos being annoying. You're literally just using me for popularity and homework. When will you fucking realize how much of a bitch you are to me? Towards everybody! Even your boyfriend. All you do is talk about him, rubbing it in my face that I'm single. You're so fucking toxic towards me its not even funny, it never was. For the record, I don't like you, Maria. I fucking hate you. And just so you understand it more, its done. This friendship, its nothing. And it never was anything to begin with."

Maria sat there dumbfounded, lost for words. I sat up from my seat and left the cafeteria, boiling with anger. Apart of me is relieved, relieved to say I'm no longer friends with her anymore. Yet again, that also means I'm no longer friends with the cheerleaders. I've lost everything at this point. I hope Chrissy will understand. Understand I did that for a reason, I hope we're still friends.

author note

im sorry if the lunch is confusing, at my school they count lunch as a period.

can you tell this was rushed 😍

do yall like me now? marias out of the picture 🤭 or is she 😏

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