A View to a Kill

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The bell rang which meant its now lunch and everyone made there way over to the cafeteria . As usual, I sat with the cheerleaders and the jocks. I got my lunch and sat down next to the sweetest person on earth, Chrissy.

"Hey Chrissy," I say, giving her a warm smile. "How's it going?"

"Hey Y/N," she replied back,"everythings going great. Thank you for asking." Jason came walking over to the table and gave Chrissy a kiss before sitting down. Chrissy had a huge grin on her face.

Their relationship is like no other. I hope it goes far. Farther than me and Jasons relationship. Chrissy seems happy to be with him. I'm not sure if Jason is. He still has feelings for me. Jason gave me a small "hi" under is breath. I just gave him a small smile before looking back down at my tray. Could the awkwardness between us get any worse?

I could tell that Chrissy knew of Jasons likings of me. And it hurt me deeply to see her get hurt over him. He's a jerk. He isnt a guy worth getting worked up over.

Suddenly, a loud bang came across from the other side of the lunch room coming from the "Hellfire table" none other than the "freaks". And there he was. Eddie Munson. Walking across the lunch table.

"But as long as your into band, or science, or parties." He said in a mocking tone. All eyes were on him at this point. "Or a GAME where you toss BALLS into LAUNDRY BASKETS." He yelled across the lunchroom, cupping his hands around his mouth to make him louder.

"You want something freak?" Jason yelled back as he stood up from his seat, trying to seem intimidating. Drawing all the attention to the basketball table.

Eddie replied with sticking his tongue out and making horns with his fingers. I laughed at him and Eddie smiled at me.
"Prick." Jason muttered to himself. Every now and then, Eddie would look at me, almost making eye contact. Jason saw this, jealousy boiled within him. This concerned me considering we arent dating anymore and he is in fact dating Chrissy Cunningham. He shouldn't have to care about me and focus more on his girlfriend.

"Thats whats killing the kids!" We heard Eddie yell, scaring some nearby girls and making them scream. I laughed harder this time and Eddie looked at me once more.
Jason gave me a nasty look before turning away. Chrissy caught me constantly looking over at the Hellfire table. "You like him, don't you?" Chrissy whispered to me. I quickly turned to look at her shaking my head. "What? No."

"Oh come on!" Chrissy whisper yelled,"your totally into him."

"Ok? So what if I am? We aren't much of friends anyways." I paused for a moment to look back at him." I mean, we used to be really close in middle school, but that quickly ended once highschool hit."
Chrissy gave me an apologetic look. "I think he's into you." She looked at her food, eating her sandwich.

"No, hows that possible? Im a cheerleader, well, I used to be." Chrissy looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "Besides, what kinda freak would be seen with me?"

Chrissy sighed and continued to eat her food. The bell rang which meant its time to go to 5 period. I quickly walked over to my 5 period class. School is almost over. I sighed. I sat in the middle of the classroom this time. Just have to listen to my teacher bicker for an hour. Nothing difficult.


The bell finally rang and we are out of school. I don't have much homework for today which I am honestly grateful for. Just some math and science.

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