Leaving Home Ain't Easy

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I watched as Eddie drove away in the pitch black in his van, nothing but the moon and his headlights lighting the road. The air was cold, making me shiver a bit. It started sprinkling so I quickly made my way inside.

I will say that I think I had one of the best nights of my life. We hung out, watched a movie, and kissed. My heart is bursting with joy due to the fact that we kissed. We both took a step out of our comfort zones, and I dont regret it.

He really did give effort to try and make tonight about me. Although, he didn't show it, he seemed really happy to be by my side tonight. I could tell he was nervous, he fidgeted with his rings when we was. But, when I took his hand, he seemed to get more nervous. Yet at the same time, he was comforted. It makes me laugh due to the mixed feelings this man has with me.

As I opened the front door, I could hear yelling coming from the kitchen. It was my dad and Steve arguing about something. I don't want to butt in, so I quickly put my stuff down and speed walked over to the stairs.

"Y/N knows something, doesn't she?" My dad said, turning over to look at me. Steve also looked at me, he looked like he was crying, and over all extremely stressed. My dad began walking over to me. "Y/N. I want you to tell me the truth. What happened while we were gone."

My heart dropped to my stomach. Did he find out about the party? The drinks? Jason? I stumbled apon what I should say, how I should word it. Did Steve tell him about the party? Or is my dad trying to get it out of him.

"What do you mean? It was spring break, we mainly just hung out with our friends." I tried to play dumb, but my dad doesn't go down that easily.

"Don't play dumb with me. Explain why my drinks are half empty."

I looked at Steve who looks just as helpless as I am. My heart beating out of my chest, echoing in my ears. I'm convinced everyone in the room can hear it.

"Maybe because your a helpless drunk who spends half his time drinking. And now, you're blaming us for it."

My dad and Steves eyes widened hearing what I said. Steve slowly started shaking his head telling me to stop. I knew I was goimg to make things worse by continuing. But, I want my dad to hear everything I have to say.

"Y/N, stop it." Steve whispered.

"No, it's true. Someone needs to tell it to his face. You're the one whos been drinking too much. You even drank when you first got home."

"Thats not true, I don't drink that much." My dad denied, shaking his head. "I'm only questioning you guys because my drinks are basically all gone and when left, they were all full."

"No, when you left, they were half empty, weren't they?"

"Jesus Christ, Y/N!" My dad stomped his foot, making the floor vibrate. "I'm not some 'helpless drunk' and you know it. I drink sometimes, but not as much as you think."

"Not as much as I think? Hell, everytime I see you, you drink. I've never seen you with a cup of water in my life. Its always some type of alcohol."

"I only drink because I have annoying ass kids like you."

"No! You only drink because your a fucking alcoholic. You're an asshole who deserves to rot in hell."

Just as I was expecting, he slapped me. The hardest I feel he's ever hit me. My cheek burning more than ever, tears streaming down from my eyes. When will it end?

"You don't speak to me that way, understand?"

"I can speak to you how I want. Im an adult, I don't need you ruling my life."

Then he slapped me again, on the same cheek. The pain becoming almost unbearable. Steve stood behind, watching all of this go down, he stood there completely helpless not knowing what to do.

"You're only 18, barely even an adult. I'm still your father. You live in my house, under my rules."

"Not anymore. I'm leaving. I don't want to live here anymore."

"You can't just leave. Where are you gonna go?" He crossed his arms, awaiting my response. I've been planning this for awhile, but after some time went by, plans changed. Now, I don't know where I'll go.

"Anywhere but here. Steve, you're leaving too. I'm not leaving you here. Go pack your shit."

Before he could say anything else, I ran upstairs, followed by Steve. I grabbed a suitcase and ran into my room, packing everything I need. I packed my clothes, school work, everything. I even took some things from my room that meant a lot to me.

I walked out of my room, holding my suitcase, and walked into Steves room. He was crying while packing his suitcase. He zipped it up and stood up, looking at me. He dropped his suitcase and ran into my arms, sobbing into my shoulder.

"Shh," I hushed,"it's alright. We'll figure everything out. I promise. We don't have to live in hell anymore." I hugged him tighter than ever, rubbing up and down his back, rocking side-to-side.

"Y/N, you don't know how proud I am of you. Really, I never thought this day would come so soon." He mumbled into my shoulder.

"Me neither, but hey. The sooner the better. Now it means we can get to safety sooner."

Steve nodded his head as he pulled away. He grabbed his suitcase and kissed my forehead as he left the room. We made our way downstairs. Now our parents are arguing.

"So you're really doing this?" My dad turned around with his hands on his hips.

"Yep. And I am glad I'm doin' it." I smirked. My dad furrowed his eyebrows as he walked up to me. He grabbed me by my chin and got close to my face.

"Don't be surprised when I dont let you stay once you come crawling back to me." He hit me one last time, hitting me in the eye. By now, my whole face is burning and most likely gaining some bruises. But I dont care, just as long as I get out of here.

"Steve, lets go." I looked over at Steve who didn't hesitate one bit. We bolted to the car and put our stuff away in the trunk. Steve hopped in the drivers seat, I hoped in the passenger. My dad and mom stood in the doorway, watching as we drove away.

Its all over. Everything we have, is gone. All gone. Relief flooded through me, but also, fear. Fear of the future. Fear of where we'll go and how we'll live the rest of our lives. I will say. I am happy to live my life in pain, as long as it's with Steve.

author note

sorry not sorry

where do yall think we gonna go??

title: Leaving Home Ain't Easy by Queen

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