Put It To An End

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⚠️TW:GORE(stab wounds)⚠️

-686 WORDS-

"Steve?" I yelled out from across the hallway. I walked through the hallway and down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen."Hello?"

I turned on the kitchen light to get a better view, no one is here. Steve told me he'd be home soon. Its around 11:30 and I've seen no signs of anyone returning home. I decided to let it go and go back to bed with Chrissy. Although, when I went upstairs, Chrissy was gone.

"Chrissy?" I whisper yelled. I looked around her room a little more, seeing if maybe she got out of bed to get something from her closet, but no. Shes just disappeared. I walked over to her bathroom and knocked lightly on the door,"are you in there?"

I opened the door a bit, looking down. As I looked down, I see a puddle of blood, oozing across the floor. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach as I looked up and see Chrissy, with multiple stab wounds. Blood pouring out of her mouth. Tears formed in my eyes as I knelt down next to her body, cupping her face.

"Chrissy? Chrissy, please, wake up." I pleaded. I grabbed her shoulders and shook them violently. I knew I wasn't going to be successful in waking her up, but I felt like I had no choice. I don't want to accept the fact my best friend, my only friend, my only 'sister', is dead.

I completely broke down, holding her lifeless body in my arms. Once I was able to calm myself down a bit more to where I could stand, I rush downstairs to call 911. As I grabbed my phone, my head began to pound, as if someone was hitting me with a hammer. I put my hand on my head, trying to ease the pain as I reach towards the phone once more. I feel a cold liquid drip from my nose. I go to wipe it away and I quickly realize, that its blood. I shook it off, its not about me, its about Chrissy. I grab the phone once more to dial 911.

Before I could even dial the number, loud footsteps made its way down the stairs. I dont know who it could be, possibly the person who murdered Chrissy. My heart pounds more as I look up, more afraid than anything. The person I was greeted with shocked me more than anything. Vecna stood at the bottom of the staircase, looking directly at me with his head tilted. I should have known.

"Y/N," he begun, as he walked towards me. He towered over me, giving me a sympathetic look, as if he cared, as if he expects me to feel comforted. "I want you to tell them everything you see." Once he said that, he slowly lifted his larger hand above my face. Thats when my whole body stood in its place, numb.

He showed me everything, Hawkins falling apart, people dying. Most importantly, Steve dying. His bones snapped, eyes gauged out. My heart ached at the sight of my brother being dead. I can't let Vecna get away with killing the people I love.

There stood a girl with a shaved head, blood all over her precious outfit, screaming as her arm is lifted out in front of her. I cant make out who she is, I doubt I've met her.

Vecna showed me more things, consisting of demobats, more dead bodies of people I don't know, but the one that hurt the most, was seeing Eddie. He lay lifeless on the ground, bite marks and blood pouring out of his cuts. At this moment, I don't know what to do. Do I really tell everyone? Do I want to put peoples lives at risk by telling them this sensitive information? If I do tell them, they'll be extremely worried and most likely, all of this will come true.

Steve will be dead, Eddie will be dead. Hawkins, will no longer stand. The rumors are true, Hawkins really is cursed.

author note

dw chrissys alive 🥰🥰🥰

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