You've Got Everything Now

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Its been two weeks since Steve and I left our parents house and its honestly been great. We've been staying at Chrissys house since she said she felt bad and could take us in. She told us its the least she could do. Other than that, school has been alright, Maria hasn't really left me alone. She constantly writes random shit on my locker. Words consisting of "Slut" or "Whore" and sometimes even "Freak." Very original.

Apart from Maria, Eddie and I have been getting along pretty well. We have another date together after school over at a nearby skating rink. I'm a little bit nervous considering I'm the worst at skating, a part of me is also excited to spend more time with Eddie.

I'm getting more nervous as it gets closer to the end of school. Its currently 6th period, which for me, is my last class because I don't have to do anything for my 7th period. Til then, I just have to wait it out.

We don't really do anything in this class, since its band, our teacher lets us do what we want. I only joined this class because you need to do atleast one performing arts class to graduate, so I chose music.

Once the bell rang, I legged it out of the classroom and rushed to my locker to grab my stuff. Thats when I see more words written on my locker. This time, it said "Fatass," and "Slug." This one hurt a little more because yes, I'm insecure about my body image, but Maria was the only person who knew. I had told her my dad would call me a "Fat slug" whenever I tried to dress nice. Now shes just rubbing it in.

Tears formed in my eyes, although I tried to ignore them and continue grabbing my stuff. Once I grabbed my stuff, I walked out of the school and got into Steves car.

"Hey hey, whats wrong? What happened?" Steve looked at me with worry filled in his eyes. He wiped away the tear that fell from my eye,"is it Maria again?"

I nodded and Steve hit the steering wheel in frustration before getting out of the car. "Steve? Steve, no! Its fine, I've told the principal, he said he's working on it." I quickly said, although it didn't seem to work because he kept walking to the front of the school.

I moved my backpack to the backseat and hopped out of the car, running over to Steve. I grabbed his wrist, forcing him to a stop. "Steve." He turned around, I could see how angry he was, but I'm not going to let him start a fight because of me.

"Please, its not worth it," I begged. I looked him in the eyes, my grip on his wrist getting tighter. Steve let out a sigh before heading back to the car. He got in the drivers side and I hopped in the passenger. He started the car and made our way back to Chrissys. The rest of the car ride was nothing but silence, and a little bit of ABBA music quietly playing from the radio.

author note

apologies for the short chapter. can you believe it? we live at chrissys house omgg 😍

Title: You've Got Everything Now by The Smiths

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