Mind Body Soul

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-551 WORDS-


"Woah, careful," Eddie caught me, wrapping his arm around my waist, as I almost fell. I stumbled back to my feet, Eddie kept his comforting arm around me to keep me steady. We're now walking through the woods in search of- something. My memory is hazy and I can't remember what we were doing in the first place. The dizziness began to kick in and I felt myself beginning to faint. I'm trying my hardest to keep it together, for everyone elses sake, including mine. Once I gained my balance back, Eddie walked away to go talk to Steve.

"You okay?" Lucas whispered beside me. His expression showing pure concern and worry.

"Yeah- I'm fine. Very dizzy." I croaked out. The pain in my back throbbing, my head pounding; I swear I can feel my heartbeat down to my feet.

"Do you- do you need to sit down..?"

"No, there's no time for that. Just keep walking, It's fine. I'm fine." I rambled on. Lucas muttered a quiet 'okay' and continued on. I could tell Lucas began to get more worried, and yes I do feel bad for sort of snapping at him. His face showing huge amounts of concern. My steps began to get more and more uneven as time went by and every now and then I'd twist my ankle.

"Okay, I think you need to sit down," Lucas said loudly, causing the others to hear and stop walking; all attention on me.

"No no, I said I'm fine." I quickly denied. "Keep walking," the group exchanged concerning looks with eachother, they then quickly decided that Steve and I should sit down. Steve said it was for the best but I couldn't help but feel that I was wasting precious time. The world is about to end and yet here we are sitting down on the sticky, gooey ground of another world full of many surprises.

That monsters still out there.

"Babe, you need to speak up when you're not feeling well." Eddie wrapped his arm around me as I sat down.


I am giggling and kicking my feet over this man.

He's so hot, oh my god.

"Yes I know, I feel like I'm wasting time. Hell, I mean, the world is ending for gods sake, shouldnt we be defeating Vecna right now?" Eddie nodded his head.

"Your health is more important." Eddie stood up.

Out of the blue, the ground began shaking violently, causing Robin, Nancy, Eddie, and Chrissy to fall down. As they fell, I saw Eddie catch Robin, softening her fall. Nancy and Chrissy both fell together, which ended in Chrissy falling face first onto Nancy. I heard a high pitched, "sorry!" from Chrissy. I winced as my back repeatedly hit the rock.

Steve grabbed my hand, slinging his weak arm over my shoulder. "I got you," He assured me. It seems so that I should be the one supporting him as he is more injured than me. His protectiveness always gets the best of him. Thats the best part about him.

The shaking came to a stop. "Are you okay?" Steve asked, checking me for injuries.

"I should be the one asking you that, are you okay?" I chuckled. Steve nodded his head with a small smirk.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now