Make A Move

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I knew I couldnt skip school, my parents would be pissed. I also didn't feel like dealing with my teachers and principal getting mad at me for skipping. So for the rest of lunch, I decided to sit outside. As I was sitting alone, I heard a pair of footsteps approach me.

"Y/N? Are you- alright?"

I look up and see Eddie towering over me. He crouched down and sat next to me, giving his full attention. "Hey Eddie, and yeah, I'm- I'm good."

"You sure? You can tell me anything, I won't judge." He gave me a warm smile, his doe eyes slightly glossy.

"I finally left Maria." I chuckled a bit, making light of the situation.

"Finally." He chuckled with me,"I was wondering when you were gonna realize shes a bitch."

"Oh I've realized for a long time, believe me. She just finally sped up the process."

He laughed a bit, running his fingers through his hair. I got lost in his deep brown eyes for a moment, getting caught up in his features. He must of realized because he looked up at me, giving eye contact.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"Don't be, I'm proud of you. Took some real guts to step up and uh- and make that decision."

"Yeah, also took lots of anger and annoyance."

"I bet."

We sat in silence together, not wanting to leave eachothers comforting presence. Our surroundings making the situation even better. The warm spring air hitting our skin, the perfect weather. The sky looking more blue than ever with the sun beaming down through the little clouds in the sky, I could honestly melt.

"You know, todays looking, surprisingly very nice." I said, looking over at Eddie who seemed to agree. It caught me off guard for a moment.

"Yeah, todays weather couldnt be better." He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated,"hey, um. Would you wanna, go to the movies? Some really good movies are showing and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

"Are you asking me on a date?" I smirked.

"Only if you want it to be."

I chuckled a bit,"yeah sure. What movie?"

"Um,(your movie of choice, it doesnt have to be an 80s movie, yw❤️)."

"Oh, I've been dying to see that movie!"

Eddie gave me a warm smile, he seemed excited that I was going with him. His cheeks were a little red, but I don't think much of it. He really seemed genuinely happy.

"Thats good, I was hoping you'd want to see it."

"What time does the movie start?"

"Around 5:30. Don't worry, I'll pick you up. You just relax your pretty self, I got everything under control."


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