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I groaned as I slammed the door shut right smack in Jasons face. Whats wrong with him? Acting like hes the hero. He thinks what he did was ok?  I stormed up to my room and slammed the door shut.  I still have that math homework that I need to finish.

I look around my room for my backpack but its not there. I go back out to the livingroom to check but its nowhere to be found. Shit. My backpack must be at Eddies place. Atleast its Friday. I can just go to his house to pick it up.

I hear quick footsteps rush down the stairs. "Where the hell have you been?" Steve asked, rushing over to me checking if I'm hurt.

"None of your buisness, Steve, now fuck off." I snapped, I didnt mean to say it like that. I instantly felt bad,"Steve-"

"No, no, save it Y/N. I'm gonna go to my room." He went back up stairs and went into his room, shutting the door rather aggressively.

I'm just gonna forget everything and take a nap for a bit. I think it's well deserved. I walk upstairs and head into my room. I look back at Steves bedroom door, the guilt showering me. I didnt mean to snap at him. I sigh and walk into my room, throwing myself onto my bed. Today was chaotic. I doubt that everythings gonna calm down anytime soon.

I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes. My eyes are very heavy, as if I have weights tugging them down. I'm so tired that my eyes burned a bit after closing them. After awhile, I finally drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up from my nap feeling like I've been hit by a bus. I turn over to check the time on my clock that read 2:37. Damn, I really slept in. I sat up and stretched my arms and legs then stood up. I wobbled a little cause I stood up too fast. I opened my door and headed out to my kitchen to get myself a snack. I grabbed a bag of chips and walked into my livingroom. I sighed as I fell onto the couch, instantly getting comfortable. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned on the TV. Some crappy ordinary TV was on.

30 minutes go by and i'm still watching TV. I hear a knock at my door. I groaned as I stood up from the couch. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the door. Why when I just get comfortable? I open the door to see a long haired boy standing in front of me, holding my backpack. Eddie.

"Oh, hey munson." I said, giving him a smile.

"You uh, left your bag at my place." He said."Figured Id do you a favor and give it back to you." He stood there, clearly nervous. I look behind him and see Steves car parked in the driveway. Steves home?

"Oh, thank you," I smile. I grabbed the bag from him and throw it over my shoulder. I heard footsteps come from behind me, I turned around and was met with my brother, Steve.

"What's he doing here?" The older boy asked, raising his eyebrow and putting his hands on his hips. What a mom.

"Hes just returning my bag." I shrugged." I left it at his place." Steve squinted at me, giving me a concerned look.

"Why was it at his place, Y/N?"

"Whats it matter to you?" I snapped. I didn't mean to give him such attitude, but its my life. It shouldnt matter to him anyway.

Steve sighed and walked into the living room, sitting on the couch."Im sorry," I apologized.

"No, Its ok," Eddie shook his head "I'll be going now."

"Thank you, drive safe!" I gave him a friendly smile and waved. I shut the door and made sure to lock it. I turned around and Steve was sitting on the couch giving me his concerned mother look.

I groaned and and sat next to him on the couch."So," he began," you wanna explain why you didn't come home last night?" I sighed and looked down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers.

"Its nothing, Steve. Just drop it." I said, frustrated. I wasnt really wanting to get deep into what happened. I knew how protective he'd get.

"Y/N. I'm your brother. Im supposed look after you." I looked up to see Steve giving me a worried look. "Please, tell me whats going on."

"Well," I cleared my throat." Eddie and Jason got into a pretty heated fight. I got in the middle of it and that didnt end well. I woke up at Eddies place and thats basically what happened."

"Did Eddie hurt you? Or.."

"Jason did." I sighed."He pushed me and I hit my head on the curb. I- Thats what Eddie told me."

"Y/N.." Steve looked me in the eyes and then pulled me in for a tight hug. I dug my face into his chest and hugged him back. I'm glad I have someone who cares.

Steve pulled away from the hug and had his hands on my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes. "Is your head ok though?" He asked.

"Steve." I chuckled. Still overprotective.

Ride Or Die /Eddie Munson/DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now