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Lai's POV.

"Jaehyun wait-- I don't seem to see Doyoung around?" I asked cautiously. He looked at me quizzically. "I-I mean Mr. Jeong" I let out a forced laugh and removed my hand on his arm.

"he's busy about something"

"what exactly is that something?" I asked once again that caused him to completely turn on his heels and face me. His head tilted in a questioning manner.

damn, I sounded way too investigative. Poor patience management got the best of me AGAIN.

"what exactly do you wanna know Ms. Shin?" he threw the question back to me.

"I a-ah--" the elevator beeped and I was just about to use it as an escape but he held my wrist and pulled me inside the elevator. He pressed the button of the lowermost part of the building. He got me cornered.

"now explain your persistent interest on our business" He ordered, facing me. His posture stating that he won't let me out of this space until I talk.

"look, like what you've said this is my fault right? you blamed me, I'm sure you remember" he did not respond. His eyes piercing through me, trying to read me I fear. "so I-I have this feel the need to help atleast? with every threat that had happened here, I-I feel somewhat accountable since they won't know you if I did not force you to attend the ball" I stared straight into his eyes.

"now you're sorry for setting me up?" I bit my lip in frustration. Instinctively, I placed my hands on my hips.

"that again!?" I mean--- he's so annoying for that!?

"because you did, just admit it" he pinned.

"I did n-not!" my voice shook and threatened to raise but his piercing gaze remained on me, he did not even flinch.

"then prove it"


that's how I ended up in this situation right now.

"Ms.Shin hand me the papers" I can't help but to roll my eyes while handing the paper to him. Damn he can reach it himself actually.

"what else sir" I asked sarcastically but he did not respond.

I leaned on my seat and let out an audible sigh. He's been keeping me by his side the entire week, as in EVERY MINUTE EVERY SECOND of the week. It's like I already replaced his secretary. He would order me to do this and that NON STOP. Even though whatever it is is near his reach he'll ask me to do it.

I attended agreements, gatherings and various meetings with him. and the worst thing of all, he drives me home, himself, every goddamn night.

This is his way of letting me 'prove' to him that I'm not who he's accusing me as. I'm on his watch 24/7 and because of that, I can't freaking do my business.

"Can I go home early today?" I asked. For the first time today, he lifted his gaze onto me. He's a goddamn workaholic that I can't even talk to him. I feel suffocated here in his office.

"and why is that?" He pulled his glasses down and looked at me.

I stood and fixed my skirt. My butt hurts coz I've been sitting on the couch for hours already, doing paper works. I took the seat in front of his table and leaned in "just for today, I just uh... I'm just going to visit my brother" I lied.

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