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Lai's POV.

[time skips]

I never thought I'd be with someone again after the pain Dong Si Cheng gave me... but here I am risking my fully guarded heart for the second time around.

I didn't say yes to Jaehyun asking me to date him. I did not put a label on whatever we currently have, all we know is the feeling is mutual and we're both enjoying each other's company... for now.

He said he'll be patient and I dearly hope his patience will last 'til the end.

I can't help but stifle a chuckle as Jaehyun winked from the other side of the long table when our gaze met. He called for a company meeting and Taeil is currently presenting something, but I don't think he's paying attention.

Despite the fact that we are sufficiently apart, I can clearly see that he's out of focus.

"Why are you laughing Ms.Shin?" my co-worker hushed. I said I wasn't, she doesn't look convinced but didn't push through.

My phone vibrated from my pocket.

My phone vibrated from my pocket

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Aish... really Jaehyun.

I can't help but smile, damn this man is driving me insane.

He kept on showing me sides of him I never expected. Apparently, his cold demeanor is only the tip of his personality iceberg.

It's only been a week since I admitted my infatuation with him but it seems like he's taking a valiant effort to make me fall for him absolutely too deep. He is surprisingly endearing in a manner that I can't really explain.

 He is surprisingly endearing in a manner that I can't really explain

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I kept my phone back in my pocket cutting our little chat. He won't stop if I don't, I swear to God.


"Jaehyun would you mind if I ask you something?" He glanced at me through the rearview mirror.

"depends on the question"

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