Chapter - 3 : Him

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Author's pov:

"Ting ting tan.. Ting ting tan ...."  alarm buzzed at 5:30am. The man woke up from his bed, did his morning chores and started for his morning jogging.

He went to the gym and did his workouts and came to his house to get ready for his office. He called his PA and asked him to send the presentation before 10am. After getting ready he went down to go to his office there he sees his mom and dad having their morning coffee discussing something.

"Hello I am talking with you only, not to the wall." Anasuya yelled at her husband who is reading the newspaper.

"Yeah Anu. I am listening at you only. I repeat what you said now , you went to your friends son wedding and after seeing their marriage you want your son to be married also. Correct?" He replied to her.

"Yes Krishna. I want him to settle he is getting old and moreover I want to see him happy. Can I ask him to get married?" Anasuya asked her husband.

"Do you want to see his warth today? If he heard this then that's it. Let him take his marriage decision. However our son won't take any stupid decisions again." Krishna told her.

"Why he will get angry at me? I am his cute mom. Moreover it is half past 8 so he would already gone to his office. I too have dreams about my daughter in law..."


"Yes Vikram...." Anasuya smiled looking at his son.

"What are you discussing with dad, mom? I heard something.." he asked.

"Ohh that we just discussing about food what should do on lunch.. Correct Krishna?" Anasuya asked her husband.

"Yes yes. Whatever you say." He replied to his wife smiling.

"Vikram, are you late today? Did you had your coffee?" She asked.

"Yes mom.. yesterday I slept late so my routine disturbed now. I need to hurry up now. No I don't have any. Will have anything in the office mom. Bye "

"Stop you are not going anywhere without having your breakfast. Wait for 5mins will come" she said went to kitchen.

"Mom. I am getting late. Bye"

Anasuya came from the kitchen and took her son's mobile and car keys and went again to the kitchen.

He looked at his dad. But he just smiled and read his newspaper. Sharp after 5 mins anasuya bought dosa with chutney and made him eat.

"Mom where is Keerthi?" He asked about his sister while having the food.

"She is sleeping. She is having her exams next week so she read last night and making her patient and using her theoretical knowledge on me." she said and looked at her husband who is smiling looking at the newspaper.

"Is any interesting news?"

"Yeah.. hear me 'This budding business man is giving big competition to his competitors and well grown companies. In these five years his development is remarkable and the way of handling his business is appreciated by everyone.  The way he is handing his competitors and his rivals is extraordinary. Who is going to be his next target?' looks like she is your fan Vikram." His dad told him smiling and he too smiled.

"Yeah.. look what she added in the last line 'This bachelor business man is single or committed? I wish he is single else many hearts will be broken including me. He is a flawless man that's why he is successful and appreciable by everyone. So Mr. Flawless bachelor business man, please confirm your status. We are waiting for you...' so what are you going to reply " Krishna asked his son.

"Dad. Did the article mentioned my name. No right so why you are asking me?" He replied casually.

"But this is about you everyone knows about this. Atleast tell your answers to your parents. We wish you want to be happy and like past you should not take decisions rashly...."

"Dad I know what to do. I don't want you to remind every time. Mom I am done. Bye!! I am getting late." He said and left from their.

"Krishna, why are you provoking him. You know him well then why you are doing this?" Anasuya asked her husband.

"I didn't say anything wrong Anu. We know how he suffered in his past relationship. I don't want him to fall again to any of those traps. Yes . I know your son very well who repaid the money to his dad with interest. He is confident, hard working man but i am worried about his anger issues. He should not take any rash decisions because of this anger." He replied to her.

"He won't Krishna. Are you not seeing him these past five years. He changed a lot. See how he is handling his business eventhough we have our family business still he wants to have his own and want to prove himself. He is proving that and he is handling both the business and just now you read the newspaper how they appreciated him. Then, why are you worrying. I know my son , he won't repeat the mistakes. He learnt lessons from the mistakes so he know how to rectify even if the situations occurred." she told her husband politely.

"Well. He has to... I am getting late, I will go and get ready to my office" he said and went to his room.

Like every mother's Anasuya also worried about her children. She wants her children to have a good future.

Krishna and Anasuya have 2 children, elder son Vikramaditya Kumar and younger daughter Keerthi. Keerthi is matured and naughty girl doing her MBBS. He loves her family very much.

Vikramaditya Kumar , 28 years old arrogant, egoist, confident, bossy character. He owns a firm which is in a developing state and he supports his father's business as well. Because of his past relationship disaster he is maintaining a very good distance at women and focussing all his things to his budding business.

After completed his studies his father forced him to work on his business but he is very adamant to start his own business without depending on others. He tried to arrange money but his bad luck he didn't get the money.

Finally Krishna helped him after accepting Vikramaditya's repayment condition. He started his 'LR limited' firm and taking to huge heights within short time. He repayed his father with interest which annoys her Father very much. Due to his confidence, behaviour, way of approaching the clients attracted all vendors. He became popular in short span and gained good people and some good amount of enemies also.


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See you all soon with next chapter,
Suhi 🦋

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