Chapter - 36 : Rituals

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Alakananda's pov:

I did it !!! I did it.... How dare he can bad mouth about my family. He deserves it. Idiot.. brainless idiot... But I felt sorry for him at the same time...ohh..poor boy.. I added tarmarind juice and salt in the coffee it tastes yuckk..... I made him drink it also. My anger on him reduced. After doing this, I felt so relieved. His grandma's tantrums are next level. I can't bear it.. don't know how his mom is tolerating it.

His grandma is a very superior women, everyone in the house was afraid of her. Sanjana, she went to her relatives house because of grandma arrival. Keerthi, she's not at all opening her mouth and she's staying in room all the time. Aunty, silently listening her tantrums and agreeing with everything whatever she says. Uncle, he's silent and just nodding for everything. me..he is he... he's the only person who talks with her casually.

Since we married suddenly, she asked me to perform post marriage rituals atleast. For that, she wants my parents to come and perform the rituals but how can I ask them. Don't think to try also Nandu, they will kill you. No way !! They too need some time to process everything, I don't want my parents to get depressed because of me. I need to think what to do.

When I was thinking, he came to the room. He came and sat beside me in the couch, looking at me. I silently stood up from the couch and took a step but he pulled me to the couch, I sat again facing him. He's holding my hands not gently at the same time not hard also.

"You owe an apology to me ! " He said. I saw him knitting my eyebrows.

"Ohh, come on ! Still you're not going to talk to me. It's high time. I know, I did a mistake... a huge one....but don't you think I have to be forgiven after I drank that horrible coffee.. so, we both are equal now. You have to stop this act." He said. I looked at him shocked.

How can he say both are equal? Both are different idiotic man.

"Look Alakananda, I agree, that's an unforgivable one but at that time I was mad when I i saw the note and photos. I should have asked you but I didn't do that. That's my mistake. Please understand from my point of view, after coming from the business trip I got this type of post from unknown person, after seeing those photos I was shocked and not able to believe. I felt deceived and I was high too so I behaved like that, I am not justifying that I am correct but understand me. I haven't yet found the person, he clearly sent those photos via post which is difficult to track him. Please, let it go, I will do whatever you ask and I promise, I will never ever do those things again to you. I am...." Before he finish, door opened and his grandma and aunty came inside.

I stood up but he didn't and I removed my hands from him.

"Today you both should not sleep in the same room and shouldn't see each other till the ritual starts. Alakananda take this plate from your mother in law and go to Keerthi's room now. And this plate is considered as an acceptance from the bride that she will complete the ritual properly without any mistakes. So, I believe you will follow everything correctly." Grandma said. 

I looked at aunty and she nodded to follow her words. I nodded at them. I heard his heavy sigh.. what happened to him.. if grandma had come a little late to our room, I would have heard his apologies fully... Ohh..  I missed it.

I took the plate and moved to Keerthi's room without turning back. Aunty, followed me and asked me to wake up early tomorrow morning. As I need to go to temple before 8. Me and keerthi ate the dinner in the room itself and slept.

Next day morning, I woke up early morning and took a head bath and wore a saree which I bought a few weeks ago. This is the first time I am wearing saree after my marriage. I braided my hair and went down. Grandma asked me to lit a Diya in Pooja room and I followed her and did all the things.

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