Chapter - 56 : Rakshitha??

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**If you guys doesn't remember the character names. Please check Chapter - 40**

Author's pov:

It's been two days since Alakananda was missing. They can't find where Prashika has locked Alakananda. Everyone started losing their hope except Vikram.

His love has been encouraging him to find Alakananda. His family members started worrying for him. When he feels low and his hope were dropping, he looked at her video and pictures where Keerthi and Rakesh took on the rituals day.

"Sir, past two days we have searched for your wife everywhere. But we can't find her.. what if..." Kartik was interrupted by Vikram.

"Don't dare to complete your sentence Kartik. I will find her.." Vikram said.

"Anna.." Keerthi called Vikram. He looked at her and asked what happened.

"Anna, do you remember Ansh who's Prashika's boyfriend." Keerthi said.

"Yes.. what about him?"

"He wants to meet you anna. He said, he can help you." Keerthi said. Vikram and kartik went to the living room and met Ansh.

"Hi Ansh, this is Vikram, Keerthi's brother. If you know anything about Prashika, Please tell me.." Vikram asked him.

"Hi sir, I will help you but for this I need your return help." Ansh said confusing everyone. Vikram frowned and said.

"I will do anything. Ask it." Vikram said.

"You should get a severe punishment to that Prashika. If possible please kill her. I can also kill her, but my mom and sister's only hope is me now. My father has passed away. So, I can't do that. " Ansh said in his pure hatred.

"Why? Are not you her boyfriend?" Kartik asked ansh.

"No.. I loved Rakshitha." Ansh said. Everyone was shocked and curious to know about that.

"I am their senior. I started developing feelings on Rakshitha. Rakshitha is a bubbly girl and think everyone as good. Even if anyone did something bad to her, she will accept it and started talking with the same person and will make them as her friends. Likewise, Rakshitha and Prashika became friends.
Initially Prashika, didn't like Rakshitha, slowly she also started changing and accepted Rakshitha's friendship. Eventually Prashika became close to Rakshitha. Sometimes, Prashika behaves so possessive and jealous. She won't like anyone talking with Rakshitha. Prashika knows how and when to play the cards.
Rakshitha fell in her trap. Prashika started liking me and she even proposed me but I rejected her saying about my like on Rakshitha.
Rakshitha was aware of my feelings but she didn't react to it much. I don't know what happened in between, Rakshitha started to avoid Prashika. Whenever I am around, I used to protect Rakshita when she tries to play the card. Later, I went to Singapore due to my personal reasons. When I came back, Rakshitha was missing and when I enquired about her with everyone, no one said anything. Even her parents and siblings too didn't open their mouth.

And I started digging about Rakshitha, then only I found out, Prashika is a psychopath. Since I rejected her, she tortured Rakshitha for that. She abused her physically and mentally for almost 5 days. Unable to bear her torture, Rakshitha died. She killed her..." Ansh revealed shocking informations.

"Prashika's father threatened Rakshitha's family and they created a new type of story and said Rakshitha ran away with her boyfriend and they closed her case." Ansh said. A tear slipped from his eyes.

"Do you know why she's obsessed with your wife?" Ansh asked Vikram.

"Because Prashika saw Rakshitha's resemblance in your wife. Both are chubby and Prashika sees Rakshitha when your wife speaks." Ansh said.

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