Chapter - 32 : Upshot

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Author's pov:

Alakananda reached home and went to Keerthi's room directly. Keerthi was very scared not knowing what happened there and was praying for Alakananda's safety.

Keerthi hugged Alakananda once she entered into her room and asked what happened. Alakananda told her everything and Keerthi left a heavy sigh. Keerthi hugged Alakananda and thanked her continuously with her tears. Both sat in the bed and Alakananda stated,

"Keerthi Whatever happened has happened, you have to forget everything. But before that you have to tell this to your parents."

"No, I can't and you also promised me that you won't tell." Keerthi said. At the same time Anasuya and Krishna came to Keerthi's room to talk with her and they heard what Alakananda said.

"Yes. I won't say anything to anyone but you have to tell them. As your parents they have full rights to know what's happening in your life. See, I am not saying you have to tell them everything about your day to day activities but they have to know important events in your life." Alakananda said. Keerthi didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"Ok.. but I need some time to tell because it is a big thing that happened to me. Still I am scared to think what could have happened." Keerthi said.

"Good. Take your time. I won't force you to tell them but I hope you should do one day. I know this is a big thing, I will be with you to overcome this and I too need time. I used all my energy and strength and now I am too weak to speak also. Do you know how much I tried to act strong in front of everyone..." Alakananda said smiling at Keerthi. Both of them still scared inside.

After hearing their talks, Anasuya want to confront them but Krishna stopped her and took anasuya to their room.

"Why did you stop me Krishna? We have to help Keerthi." Anasuya said.

"Yes. We have to help but didn't you hear what they talked? Keerthi don't want us to know about her issue. We have to wait till she is comfortable to tell us. We can't force her to tell. Looks like Alakananda solved Keerthi issue and she is there for Keerthi. So wait and don't ask anything. Let them do what they want. Ok."

"Krishna, Keerthi is suffering.. how can you act so cool when your daughter is in danger." Anasuya fumed.

"I am also worried Anu, I want to know what scares my daughter most but she clearly said she doesn't want to talk about it, then how can I force her. Look Anu, even if we force her to tell, then she may lie to us. So, give some time to her.. don't show anything infront of Alakananda and Keerthi. Ok?" Krishna said. Anasuya also agreed reluctantly.

After hearing Alakananda, Krishna was very happy that his son hasn't bring any random girl to spoil his life and the family rather he brings a girl who will perfectly suits to this family. And he was happy that she is supporting Keerthi in her sufferings.

For this one thing, Krishna wanted to let go of his son marriage with Alakananda but he wants to know how he made her married. Little did he know that Vikram has threatened her for this marriage but he hoped he wouldn't do that.

He hired a private detective and was digging
Alakananda's history and marriage. Though Vikram and Alakananda made a story, Krishna didn't believe that. Krishna asked Anasuya to be silent with Alakananda till he get to know the whole details.

Days passed but Alakananda and Keerthi were still in the same pace, both didn't came out of the incident. They both tried to act calm and jovial when Krishna and anasuya were around to not make them suspicious. Later that sanjana came to Keerthi's house to spend her vacation.

After a lot of threatening and pleading from sanjana, Keerthi told everything to sanjana. Sanjana instantly liked Alakananda and three became friends.

"Anni, thank you so much for saving her... You rocked it..." Sanjana said Alakananda. Alakananda was shocked hearing sanjana. This is the first time someone calling her Anni.

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