Chapter - 51 : Missing !

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Vikramaditya POV:

"If you ever behave close with her infront of me, it won't be wine next time." Shipali said and left. Definitely, she's seeking her death from me.

After that everyone were deeply involved in their talks. I took the chance and went to my wife's room. I knocked her room. She opened it and was shocked seeing me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Why? Are you expecting someone?" Asking I entered into the room. She's taking backsteps. I locked the door and walked towards her.

"Let me guess.. Are you expecting Sanjay?" I asked her removing my coat.

"What are you talking??"

"Did I say anything wrong? You seem to be so close with him. You're even ready to dance with him.."

"You're taking it wrong..." By saying she fell on the bed tangling on her dress with heels. I layed on her trapping in between my hands and body. Her eyes widened.

"Get up !!" She said trembling.

"Shh !!" I said and trailed my nose on her shoulders, neck and her face sensually. She gulped and her breath are uneven. I placed my forehead on her forehead and closed my eyes. The only thought came to my mind, I shouldn't scare her.

"If I kiss you now, will you think of me as bad?" I asked her. Hoping she will say no. But to my unluck she said 'yes'. I released a heavy breath on her face and released her from me. I sat on the bed next to her. She too sat next to me silently getting up from the lying position.

After few minutes, I questioned her. "Why did you come to the party ?". Instead of answering me, she questioned me.

"Why? Did I interrupt your plans with your girlfriend?" She asked me in her annoyed tone.

"What?" Is she jealous.

"Nothing" she said pissed off and stood up to move from the place. But before that I took her hands and made her sit next to me.

"Are you jealous Alakananda?" She stiffened hearing me.

"No.. why should I?"

"Ohh.. Accept it.. you're jealous wifey.. else.."

"Else, what? Don't ask me these types of questions. Go and ask your girlfriend who is waiting for you. What are you doing here? Go to her. " She said boldly and angrily. As much as I like this boldness of her, now I need to clear this misunderstanding about Shipali. I don't want to create another issue because of this.

My wife is looking so hot in her anger and jealous mode. I got crazy idea to cool down my angry girl. I smirked at my idea and stood up.

I sat on her lap facing each other, smiling at her. Her eyes widened at the shock. Why can't she?

" doing.. get up?" She stammered.

"Why?" I asked her digging my face on her neck. She gasped.

"Am I heavy?"  I placed a soft kiss on her neck and asked.

"No.." she said taking deep breath. I know I am heavy on her. I placed a another kiss.

"You shouldn't do this. You're cheating her." She said.

"No.. I am not cheating anyone.." I said and kissed her other side of the neck.

"She knows.. I am married to you." I said to her. She pushed me from her neck and looked at me and asked.

"Really?" She asked hoping it is true with her light smile. I nodded at her smiling.

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