Chapter - 88 : Confession !

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Vikramaditya's pov:

We all were waiting in the hallway. A nurse came and informed Alakananda gained back her consciousness. We all entered and saw her struggling to sit. I held her and hugged her tightly. She too reciprocated the hug and soon her tears started. My heart crushed whenever she cries.

"Shhh Baby, I am here.. please don't cry. I am sorry, because of me you're here. I am sorry Alakananda. I am really sorry." I apologized to her but she didn't say a word instead hugged me tightly.

My fear came true. I pray this time she shouldn't fall so deep. I hugged her more.

After few minutes, she came out of the hug. I wiped her tears and tried to kiss her forehead but she moved. It hurts but I didn't leave her, I held her face and kissed her forehead. She looked at me with her different emotions anger, love, frustration, hate.

"How are you feeling now Alakananda?" Rakesh asked.

"I am fine Anna." Alakananda said and looked at Aadhini and Rakesh.

"Alakananda, this is Aadhini. She's the one who admitted you in the hospital." Alakananda looked at her wide eyes, Raskesh nodded his head. Soon, she smiled at her.

"Thank you so much." Alakananda thanked her.

Ravi and Karthik also spoke with her. In the mean time I informed my parents and her parents about Alakananda's condition. They were panicked and worried thinking about her.

After a few minutes of chit chat, they left the room. Now, I and Alakananda were only staying alone in the room. She lied down again and closed her eyes avoiding me.

I released a heavy sigh and sat next to her. As soon as I touch her hands, she took away from me.

"Alakananda, this is not fair. I apologized to you." She glared at me.

"Please baby talk to me." I said and held her hand again though she tried to took away.

She took her hands forcefully from me and sat straight looking at me. She took her phone from the side table and typed something and placed her mobile on her lap turning to me side.

"Explain this.." she said. I looked at her phone. There's a pic of mine and Alakananda with a disgusting title.

"What do you want me to tell about this?" She looked at me angrily.

"The world saying I am having an affair with you. Am I??" She asked me angrily with her accusing eyes.

One thing I should be cautious with Alakananda is, stay away when she is angry or frustrated, else, you're dead.

Her madness is the one I can't handle it. Now she's damn angry, I am afraid to speak with her. But she's looking so damn hot.

'If she knows your thoughts, she won't hesitate to punch you now.' I thought and chuckled.

"Here I am asking your explanation but your laughing. Idiot." She said and started hitting me. I let her do whatever she wants to do to let go of her anger.

After a few minutes, she stopped hitting. I held her face, when I try to kiss her forehead. She stopped me.

"Don't you dare. I will kick you out of the room." She threatened me.

"Alakananda, why are you getting mad for this fake news. You, I and our surrounding people know what's the truth. Then why are you worrying about the false news. You're my wife, my better half. This the truth, no one can change this." I said and she glared at me.

"And about this, I will handle everything and explain you tomorrow. Now sleep, will talk everything later." I said.

"No.. I want to know everything now itself.... Everything..I mean everything." She said stubbornly.

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