Chapter - 38 : Realisation !!

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Vikramaditya pov:

I took my car and went to Rakesh's work place. The journey towards his place filled with her thoughts. I reached his place and called him to come down.

He came and we both went to the nearby restaurant in the plaza. I met her here for the first time in this plaza. I still remember her expression when she slapped me. The woman who slapped me is now my wife. I chuckled at my thoughts.

"Come on, spit it up. Why did you come here at this time?" Rakesh asked.

"Nothing... simply like that.."

"What the hell man?.. simply? If you don't have any work, enjoy your time with your wife and family, not with me. I cancelled my important meeting because of your call. You sounded awful. And now you are also looking .... I don't know how to say.. but I am gonna say ... You are in confusion... Is that correct? What happened ? " He asked.

He knows me well. Yesterday when I called and asked him to be at the position of Alakananda's parents, he wasn't hesitant to do that. He brought uncle and aunty also along with him for which I am very glad about it. He considered Alakananda as his own sister.

I haven't thought he would take those words seriously which we talked a few years back. Rakesh always wanted to have a little sister but he doesn't have, so a few years before, I said to him, that if I got married, that girl will be like his own sister and will ask that girl to accept him as her own brother and Rakesh will take all her responsibilities.

"Are you going to say anything or not?" He asked me annoyingly. We ordered our drinks and sat at the nearby table.

"I am confused Rakesh... I am feeling guilty but when I thought about my doings it feels like some are right and some are wrong. Sometimes I feel Alakananda is good for me, sometimes I feel I shouldn't have married her forcefully. I did a lot of wrong things to her.. I want to correct it.. but again I am making it worse. I want to accept my relationship with her and move on but I don't want to... Whenever that guy comes into the picture, I am losing my sense and shouting at her and blaming her without any reason...." He intreppted me.

"Wait...wait.. who's that guy?" Rakesh asked.

"I am sharing my feelings with you, but you need to know about the guy? Instead of helping me to clear my turmoil?"

"I want to know clearly right, then only I can help you. Now, tell me about the guy. Who's he?" I told him about santhosh.

"He's clearly flirting with her and do you know how their teammates are they're encouraging them. And her friend priya, she's the one setting up their bridge between them. And when I asked her about this, she was comparing me with him. She says he's a nice person and I am an angry man. How can she say that? How can she compare another man with her husband? Yes, I am an angry man at the same time I am a nice person too. Why can't she see that?" Our drinks came. He started having it.

"Rakesh, why can't you say anything?"

"What?? Ok... listen, first you understand your feelings towards her and accept it."

"I don't have any feelings towards her." I said. He chuckled.

"Boss, you're being possessive towards your wife and you're jealous of that..guy... santhosh." He said.

"No.. I am not jealous and possessive. Why should I be?"

"Because you started liking her. Maybe you're loving her already. Your love towards her makes you jealous whenever she talks with Santosh. Because you know, he's approaching Alakananda with that kind of intention. And that makes you behave unruly towards her." He said.

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