Bonus Chapter - 1

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Alakananda's pov:




"I said I want to go Mr..." I firmly said to him.

"Even I said No.." he said with the same determination tone.

"Though you're not agreed I will go."

"I will see how you will go." He said and came towards me to kiss but I stopped him. He's irritated and left to his office with his scowl face.

This idiot husband of mine definitely cracked up. How can he not agree? With a gloomy face I went downstairs.

"What happened did he said yes?" Aunty asked as soon as I went down.

"Aunty, your son is an idiot and mad man." She chuckled hearing me. Uncle was looking at us with his confused face.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"She wants to go to her friend's wedding but your son doesn't allow her." Aunty said. Uncle gave an why? look to me.

"I already told you he won't let you. He couldn't even leave you at your parent's house for more than 2 days, how do you think he will agree to stay at your friend's house for more than 3 days." Aunty said.

"Aunty, it's my friend's wedding. How can I not go?" I said pouting. It's Priya's wedding, my best friends wedding. How can I miss that? I can't be. Best friend's marriage is more important occasion than anything in this world.

Whatever Aunty said is true, when I visited my paternal home, he showed up on the third day to take me. Though we have many fights at the end of the day we will solve it. But this fight is lasting two days and in these two days I didn't allow him to touch me. That's making him more frustrated.

Later the day, Myself and aunty alone went to shopping, Since Keerthi is went to college. We shopped a few items and I brought one shirt for him which I liked most and few kurtas for me. Aunty bought a few sarees and tops for Keerthi.

When we reached home it's already dawn and everyone already in the living room. Uncle and Aditya talking related to business interestingly. Yes, they started talking normally a few days back. Aunty was the one extremely happy seeing that. I too. I had that guilty consious because of me they had fight but now it has been resolved.

Aunty started showing the items which we bought and I went to the room to freshen up. After I refreshed, I returned to the living room. Aunty still saying how our day went and everyone hearing her. I silently went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I sense his eyes on me when I was entering in the kitchen.

After a few minutes, when I was cutting the vegetables, aunty came and offered her help. I simply rejected it and asked her to rest. She smiled and left. Within a few minutes, a hand engulfed me. Who it will me? None other than my husband.

"I missed you..." He said sniffing my neck. I stilled when his hands went to all of my restriction areas. Before we engross into more, I have to stop him.

"Aditya, stop. Someone will come." I said to him.

"Everyone is busy in their rooms." He said without stopping his works. Here I am losing my senses because of his work.

"Thanks for the shirt. I love it." He said tracing his nose on my back.

"Hmmm..." Ahh, Alakananda control.

"I have to cook. Everyone must be hungry." I said to him when he started giving kisses on my neck. I bitied my inner lips to not make any sound.

"I am as well, wifey.." he said and turned me towards him. He caressed my lips with his thumb looking intensively.

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