Chapter - 4 : Unexpected Slap

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Vikramaditya pov:

I reached my office and started looking into the presentation which my PA sent. "Sir. Today we have a meeting with ABC solutions they asked us to come to their plaza to sign the agreement. And these files for those two firms which we are trying. This time we will surely get the "RL solutions" contract but "S1 Limited" we can't get." he said.

"I didn't have you here to tell that Ravi. Why are you thinking we can't get the contract?" I asked him irritatedly.

"Sorry sir. Since they have a condition which we are not qualified, I said like that."

"Not qualified. Are you kidding me Mr.Ravi? Do I look like unqualified person and my firm?" he roared like a mad man. The word qualified hitted his ego.

"Sorry sir. But they.."

"Stop beating around the bush and tell me directly which thing is not qualified in my firm."

"Sir. This time they put the condition for party B who take up their firm for contract should have a clean name, no blackmarks in there character.."

"So do you think my firm or me lacking in this?"

"Sir i didn't complete yet. I know our firm is qualified for everything they says we can say above qualified but their main condition is Party B who owns the company should be married man. Which is you not. So that's why I telling we are not qualified." he said looking at me.

"What the useless condition is this?" I asked him.

"Yes that's what I am mentioning. If we get both "RL solutions" and "S1 Limited" contracts we grow higher and stocks , markets everything goes higher".

"Do you want me to get married because of that project?" He asked.

"No sir. I am just telling the fact that both firms are equally important to us. At least 'RL solutions' does not have this type of condition. I am sure we will get that contract. But for 'S1 Limited' we have to try hard may be we can get the projects in future."

"Ok. Contact 'S1 Limited' and Set up the meeting with them. Without trying we should not accept our defeat. Marriage is one of the condition that is not the entire thing."

Ravi nodded and left the place.

Ravi is my junior in college. He is a very intelligent, responsible and honest guy, unafraid for any things. He has an attitude to do toughest things in simplest manner and achieve the things. After getting know about him, I hired him as my PA. He handles everything when I busy with my dad's office and fly for other countries. So apart from my family he knows me very well and will not afraid for me.

Weekly twice I will attend my dad's office remaining days I will be working in my firm. I don't like to depend on anyone even it's my family that's why I refused to join my dad's office initially. I want to prove myself to everyone who thinks of me as a spolied kid, worthless person. Later my dad presturated me to take over his firm because of his health condition so slowly I am taking under me. I love my parents they are my strength and weakness also. If anyone tries to hurt what's mine then that's their end of the day. I am an egoist man if anyone hurts my ego then they have to face my warth and I will break them completely and I don't like the people who are depending on others. This is how I can describe myself and this is me, I can't compromise things because of others , I have my own set of rules and everyone should follow that. That's how I build myself and this is me, Vikramaditya Kumar.

Later we reached the plaza to sign the contract "Welcome ! Mr. Vikramaditya." Rakesh welcomed us.

"Thank you Mr. Rakesh. Can we sign the contract.",
I asked him

"Don't always go into the business Mr. Vikram. Spend some quality time to your family and friends. I pity your friends. How boring person he got.?"

"Yeah Mr.Rakesh. I am bored person that's why I am still tolerating his activities. Do you know what I will do if he plays silly with me?"

"No no... I am Just kidding Vikram." Rakesh said.

"Why you are asking me to come to plaza when we can sign it in the office?", I asked him annoyingly. Rakesh is my close buddy who knows me well. He took up their father's business and doing well.

"I missed you buddy. I get to know you don't have much work today. In the plaza, the new barbeque station is opened i want to take you with me and we can spend a few hours. I am really missing our old days." He replied to me grinning.

"Ohh.. now I got it your main motive is food not business. I will tell this to uncle when I meet him. You are neglecting the business and spending the day with food and an unknown person and I can't say that is girl or boy uncle." I said smirking.

"What??? You want to sign the contract right. Here I already signed it you take up this and go from here." he said with his fake hurt tone.

"Okk.. Will go to the barbeque. So smile now." I said to him

He smiled looking at me.

"This should be the last time, you should not waste our time like this. I planned to go to dad's office and you to having your own work."

"Ok ok.. come will go and Ravi join with us" Rakesh told him

"No sir. Thanks for calling me. I will wait here. And I want to make some calls. Enjoy your lunch sir"

"Ohh cut the crap man. You and sukandha also going to join with us. I am not that bad person. So you both are coming" he told to Ravi and sukandha his PA.

I nobbed at Ravi to join with us. Then we started moving towards the barbecue.

I received a call and asked them to go "You guys go I will join with you after this call." I said and picked the call.

I finished my call and I spotted them waiting for me before the barbecue entrance. Ravi signalled me to look down. When I looked down my car keys has been there. Looks like i dropped the keys when I took my mobile. I bent down and took the keys from the floor and was ready to move.

'Thud...' someone slapped me hard.

"What the hell? Why did you slap me?" I asked the person who slapped me.


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Suhi 🦋

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