Chapter - 12 : Again !!!

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**Apologies for the late update.**


Alakananda pov:

When I was waiting for my brother in law to come, I saw a person standing furiously and talking with someone on mobile in the parking lot and he looked familiar to me. I realised who it was and my eyes went wide and the next minute I started to walk towards the person unconsciously.

He is the same person. The same person who took the unnecessary blame, unwanted names, faced losses in his business because of me. He is standing 2 aisle apart. I was walking towards him. My only thought is to ask sorry to him though that slap is not intentional, I slapped the wrong person and because of me he faced lot of humiliations. I have to seek forgiveness from him.

When I was near to him I saw the car behind him taking reverse without turning on the lights and indicators. He didn't sense that and talking continuously to the person. So without any other thoughts I pulled him towards me.

While pulling him I hit my leg into the pathway stone and stumbled and fell on the car beside us leaving his hand and due to the pulled force he also fell on me balancing his both hands either side of me. Now I am caged under him. My breath got hitched. Our lower body parts were touching where our front body and our faces were only a few inches away because of his hand balance. My eyes went wide with the position. I was looking into his eyes widened and he realised what's happened and throwing the fires from his eyes.

In my 24 years of life this is the first time I am so much close with a man. This is called intimacy my inner self started scolding me about the situation and my innerself started her battle, don't you have any shame on you Nandu, you are lying under a man. Useless...ahhh.. Nandu, what are you doing this is wrong. Ask him to get up. Push him aside. No!! Don't do that Nandu. What will happen if he falls in any of the stones nearby and gets hurt. He needs to be hospitalized and you should take the blame for that. Brainless nandu, What will happen if anyone sees us like that. My hands started shivering at this thoughts

"Again.. you...." He angrily uttered the word. While uttering these words his nose tip slightly touched my nose tip. Something differently happened inside me. I felt current shock all over my body and got goosebumps. I don't know what is that. Before he continued I turned my face and said,

"Can you please move aside. You can scold me as much as you want later. We are not in proper state now so please get up and You are so heavy too.. please.." I requested him.

He decreased the distance by falling towards me. I crossed my hands immediately over my chest to avoid his upper body touch on me. My face still turned towards the other side and his hot breath is falling on my cheeks.

"What are you doing please get off from me. You are so heavy and you are making me uncomfortable.. please get off... What will happen if anyone sees us like this... This is not correct." I again requested him.

"Uncomfortable? but your face says different, like you are enjoying this  closeness and don't joke to me that I am heavy. Comparing to you I am not that heavy and I know you can hold even 2 men's if they have fallen on you." He sarcastically said.

He too body shamed me. I know I am overweight. I don't want everyone should say this. And what he said I am enjoying, how I am looking to him? What does that mean? 2 men's falling on me?? What does he think of me? This is the first time I am close this much to a man. What does he think about me? I want to ask him all these questions and want to reply him that I am not that kind of girl as he was thinking. But my mouth is tightly shut and tears formed from my eyes on its own.

He got off me and I too straightened myself. I wiped my tears and held the shawl tightly. He is looking at me furiously and clenching his jaws and fist.

"I am sorry.. I didn't do that intentionally.."

"STOP" he shouted at me showing his palm.. he didn't let me finish my sentence.

"Don't say anything. What do you want to say you slapped me unintentionally ? Do you know because of you how much I have lost. Because of you my mom got admitted into the hospital. Because of you some useless idiots are giving shit advices to me. Because of you everyone is looking at me like a characterless man. Because of you they blame my family. Because of you they questioned my upbringing. Because of you they taunted my sister. Because of you.. everything.. because of you..."He blamed me.

I don't know what to say. I just cryed lowering my heads. What to say now to him. Because of me he has faced lot. His family also suffered a lot because of me. My tears are flowing continuosly. I gathered some courage and said "Sorry" to him.

"Your simple sorry won't change anything Ms. Get ready to face my wrath." He said furiously and took his belongings from the floor and left from there.

I just looked at his retreating figure. I apologized him once again looking at him. I don't know what to do now. Can I say this to my family if they get to know this how they will react it. No nandu, dad is admitted in the hospital how can you say those to them now.

But his words are scary. What if he does something. I am not that strong to fight against him also. Ahh... God.. please say him to punish me only.

After few minutes, maama and akka came and Shruthi asked "Did anything happened to you? Did you cry?"

"No. It's windy here so some dust fell into my eyes. Nothing. What will happen to me. Why did you came leaving mom alone."

"Ohh.. Vimal called me and said he is coming to our home today. As he wants to go the internship nearby our house. I told him that we are in hospital. So he is coming here. He is currently nearby to the hospital only." Shruthi said.

I said "ok". And we waited for him to come. Vimal is our cousin brother, he is so caring towards us. He is doing his medicine. Whenever my sister and I need mental support he will be there for us.

After a few minutes he came and asked how and what is happened. Shruthi said everything to him. Later he suggested , he will be there today night and asked us to go home. Shruthi and maama said a lot to him. But he didn't budge and pestered them to leave. Shruthi also reluctantly agreed as he has medical knowledge.

Later we started to our home. Throughout the ride I was worring about my parents and for him. After dropping us in my home, maama went to his home saying he will come tomorrow morning.


Thank you my dear readers. Thanks for voting and commenting in the chapters. You guys are encouraging me..thanks alot..

How was the chapter?? Did you liked it? What do you think about Alakananda and Vikramaditya? First of all how was their name? This question has to be asked in the beginning of the first chapter. My bad I forgot that time. So, let me know what you are thinking.

Appreciating you guys for tolerating my English writing.

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See you all soon with next chapter,
Suhi 🦋

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