Chapter - 9 : Because of HER...

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Vikramaditya pov:

Me, kirti and dad were waiting outside the ward. We were all worried. I don't know why mom suddenly asked me to promise about my marriage. Something is happened that's why my mom asked the promise otherwise she would never do that.

After sometime the doctor came out and informed us mom is under seduction now. She will get her consciousness morning only. We can see her after a few minutes.

I looked at dad. He is looking down and thinking seriously and I looked at kirti. She sat beside dad and kept her head in dad's shoulder and looking at mom's room. I sighted and tapped kirti. I signed my eyes to her to come with me and started moving from there. She excused from dad and followed me.

Me and kirti reached the canteen. I made her sit in the chair and I ordered coffee for me and juice for her in the counter. I collected the coffee and juice and went to her. "Kirti ma.. drink this." I said to her.

"No anna... I don't want to eat anything till mom wakes up.." she said.

"Kirti.. don't make me angry. You itself is a doctor and why you are talking like others. Mom will be alright she will wake up soon.. so now drink this.. you need energy to take care of dad and mom after she wakes up..don't make me repeat it. Drink this" I said angrily to her.

She's afraid of my anger so she started drinking the juice silently. I too started my coffee and thinking how to ask about the topic.

"Anna, did you promised mom?" Kirti asked me to looking at me.

I nobbed at her and she too nobbed her head slightly and continued her juice. I continued, "kirti, do you know why mom asked promise suddenly?"

Kirti looked at me "Anna...that..that.."

"Kirti, if you know anything tell me. I know mom would never ask me to promise her that too in this situation without any reason. I need to know. So tell me what happened?" I asked her

"Anna.. yesterday grandma called mom and grandma said as per the astrologer prediction you are going to face very bad days hereafter and your name, reputation, money everything will be ruined. This phase of your life will affect your future also and you will get false blaming and accusations also which will ruin our family and to avoid this you have to marry a girl within a month then everything will be....."

"What the hell???" I shouted at her.. everyone in the canteen looked at us.

"Anna... Please be silent... Everyone looking at us.. sit first.." kirti said. I sat down and she apologized to everyone around there. I was fuming in anger.

"Anna... I have not yet finished.. you started shouting for this itself." Kirti said

"What?? I am shouting.. seriously kirti.. what sort of nonsense is this?? Someone predicted my future and I have to believe this and should get married. Doesn't grandma have any sort of work there to do? Why is she asking about me with others? What is the need to tell this to mom? First of all is there any link with issues he said and marriage?? And you said you have not yet finished ?? means still something is there... What is that?" I questioned her. Passing by people are looking at us.

She looked at me and said "No.. I am not going to say anything... Why are you reacting like this? I am afraid of you.." kirti said angrily..

I took a deep breath and continued, "Ok..I won't react.. now tell me what happened next" I asked her calmly this time. She looked at suspiciously and started.

"After grandma said this to mom, she was very sad thinking about your future. Already she is worried about your marriage then this to added with that. And today sudha aunty came to our house and.. "she looked at me.. now I got to know this sudha aunty is the problem.. sudha aunty is our relative and she is an problematic woman and her words are venom. Something she said to my mom. I signed her to continue.

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