Chapter - 58 : Trauma !!

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Author's pov:

Vikram waited for Alakananda to wake up. He got a call from his parents, he moved out of the room to not disturb her. At the same time, Alakananda also woke up from sleep and she was scared looking at the new place. Her eyes scanned the entire room to find her husband.

Suddenly she felt some movement in her body. She closed her eyes tightly and thought that thing was a snake. She tried to move her hands, again the thing is moved. Her body started shivering. She imagined hearing a dog sound and she screamed in fear. Vikram got afraid of hearing her sound and entered the room.

"Alakananda... What happened?? Look at me.. open your eyes... " Vikram asked her panicking holding her arms.

"Snake... The snake is slithering... And dog" Alakananda stammered shutting her eyes tightly.

"Where??" Vikram questioned. Doctors and nurses also came inside. Alakananda showed where she felt the movement. Vikram saw that.

"Alakananda.. it's just a wire..snake and dog are not here.. look at me.. open your eyes.. nothing is there.. you're safe.. I am here..." Vikram said caressing her cheeks.

The doctor injected a medicine in her arms. Vikram asked about that and the doctor replied that it will make her hallucinations fade. And they asked him to consult a psychiatrist the next day. Vikram also agreed with him. Vikram decided to spend the night at the hospital itself, since Alakananda was also in an unconscious state. He informed his parents the same.

After some time Mr. Sunnen called him. His anger reached his peak and he took the call.

"Vikram how dare you give a complaint against my daughter and arrested her?" Mr Sunnen roared at him.

"You should feel happy that I haven't yet killed your daughter."

"What the..."

"Cut the crap... I will make your daughter regret each and every minute... Whatever she did to my wife is unforgivable. I will definitely return what she did to my wife. Now, my wife needs my attention. So, I am not focusing on your daughter. Once my wife gets better, I know what should I do... Tell your daughter to prepare herself to face me... I am more dangerous than her.." Vikram said.

"You can't do anything to my daughter.. her father is there for her.. Don't forget I am more powerful than you.. Don't make yourself hard, withdraw the case now..." Mr. Sunnen threatened Vikram.

"Oohh.. really, then show your power... I am not gonna withdraw the case. And I will make sure, she will get the best ill treatment in the prison till I shift my focus on her.."Vikram said and disconnected the call.

He saw Alakananda and kissed her forehead and started working on his laptop, checking her often.

At midnight, Alakananda woke up again and looked at the surroundings. She found her husband working on the laptop in an uncomfortable position. Her tears started flowing looking at him.

Vikram lifted his face from laptop to Alakananda to check her. He saw Alakananda crying. He panicked immediately and went nearby to her.

"Alakananda are you ok? Is it paining anywhere? Wait.. let me call the doctor." He told her hurriedly. When he was about to step away, Alakananda held his hands. He looked at her.

"Don't leave me... Alone... please..." She said looking at him crying.

"Shhh.. don't cry.. I am going to call a doctor only..." Vikram said.

"No.. I need you now... Not doctor.." Alakananda said tightening her hold. Vikram's heart skipped a bit.

"I am here only Alakananda.. only for you... Now sleep... You need to sleep, your body and mind needs rest.." He said and kissed her forehead.

"You won't leave me.. right?" She asked him.

"I will never ever leave you alone... This is my promise to you.." he said while wiping her tears. He kissed her forehead again. He kissed her eyes to close it. She didn't leave his hand. He sat next to her and watched her the whole night.

Next day,

The doctor checked alakananda's report and said, "Looks like poison is suppressed because of the overdose antibiotics. But the side effects of the poison are not yet suppressed. You have to continue this medication for three months. After that we will check your condition and will decide what we should do next." Both nodded looking at him.

And the doctor continued, "I know, I should not be ask this question now, but I have to make sure of this. Do you guys have any plans for a baby now?"

Alakananda was stunned to hear the doctor. She looked down feeling shy. Vikram saw her and smiled a bit and he said no to the doctor.

"Better not be.. These medicines may affect the baby if it is formed." The doctor said and both nodded.

"Except that part alone.. you guys can do anything.. there's no restrictions for that.." the other doctor said. Alakananda didn't look up. Doctors went out and the second doctor alone signalled Vikram to come out.

"Hi, I am your wife's psychiatrist. I silently absorbed her condition and I checked her medical reports also. She will get scared easily. If her fears goes high, she may start hallucinating. So, take care of her well and continue the medication. If you slightly get a hint of her getting feared or trembling, React immediately and distract her mind..... And take my previous advice also, that's a great distraction.." he whispered the last part in his ears, winked at him and left for his work..

Vikram lifted Alakananda in his arms and started from the hospital.

"I can walk.. please let me down.. everyone is looking at us.." Alakananda said feeling shy.

"Nah.. never until your wounds are cured." Vikram said.

"I am overweight... Your hands will get hurt.." Alakananda reasoned him.

"Stop saying that.. if you don't want to see my anger.." Vikram said sternly. Alakananda didn't utter another word after that. They reached home.

Keerthi and Anasuya hugged Alakananda and cried. Krishna started asking questions about her health. After that, Vikram lifted her and took her to his room. Keerthi followed them and started talking with Alakananda. Vikram went to the washroom to refresh himself.


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Suhi 🦋

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