Chapter - 81 : Changed !!

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Alakananda's pov:

It's been 10 days, since the incident happened. Currently I am getting ready to go to my in-laws house with my parents. Confused? Let me explain.

I was hesitated to talk with him but Keerthi wants to open up her relationship with her family. So, when she asked help I too agreed.

I talked about her but not with him, with his parents. You can ask why I didn't talk with him? Because I am little bit scared of his response. He's possessive on his sister. I don't know how he will react. He is an impulsive person. So, I talked with uncle and aunty about Keerthi.

First they were shocked then they understood her feelings. Within 2 days uncle investigated about Karthik and checked his background and everything about him.

Later uncle met Karthik and talked with him. I don't know what he talked but after that he was very much impressed with Karthik. He gave a green signal to Keerthi. After that Karthik mom and my in-laws met and fixed the engagement which is going to happen today at my in-laws house.

About him? I thought he will not accept this marriage proposal but to my surprise he accepted it and enthusiastically preparing for the engagement. I doubt he already knows it or not.

In this 10 days, he never forget to message me and call me. Even if I didn't pick up the call, he calls Priya if I am at office and my mom if I am at home.

At first I was confused as to how my mom was talking with him. One day I confronted her, she said, she heard when I was talking with Priya that day after he left. She knows that I haven't removed my mangalasutra. She even told how much he cares for me. So, she was fine with whatever my decision was. If I accept him as my husband, she will also accept him as her son-in-law. My sister was also fine with him.

My father, he is still angry with him but his anger has decreased compared to before.

About me, I don't know what to say. I am ready to accept him but a little uneasy feelings bothering me. Does he really love me or pity me? I can feel his love but I don't know how to express that uneasy feeling.

Uncle and aunty came to my home and invited my whole family to Keerthi's Engagement. First, dad opposed them later me and my mom convinced him. My thoughts got distributed by my phone. Well, there my husband called me again. This is the fourth time he's calling me since morning.

"Alakananda, where are you?"

"I am yet to start from my home.."

"Ok.. please come to OUR HOME  as soon as possible." He stressed the word our home.


"And don't forget to take your medicines."
He said.

"Don't you feel bored to say the same dialogues every day"

"Nope.... And come soon... I am missing you badly..."

"Hello sir, I am coming for Keerthi not for you.."

"We will see that too baby..." He said in his challenging tone.

"Are you planning something?"

"Wifey, don't suspect your husband... Come fast... I am disconnecting the call...bye.." he said and disconnected the call.

I took a final glance on the mirror and went to living room. I am wearing a cream color silk saree with a small chain and mangalsutra. Since my mom got to know I am wearing it, it doesn't matter now.

Me, My parents and sister started to my in-laws house.

Uncle and aunty welcomed my parents and gave a smile to me.

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