Chapter - 16 : His Wife??

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Vikramaditya pov:

I reached home after the encounter with her. Why is she showing up again and again. My mobile started ringing.. Ravi. I picked the call.

"Sir, are you ok? The call had been disconnected and you didn't take my call after I called"

"What's the matter?" I asked him irritatedly.

"I asked our private detective to get details about her and it will be in your desk tomorrow and just now I got information tomorrow Mr.Gupta going to meet Mr. Anil unofficially in his office. I feel it's fishy. "

"Ok. Fix the appointment tomorrow to meet Mr.Anil. will see what he is planning this time."

Keerthi and I had dinner and slept. Next day morning Keerthi first went to hospital. I had finished some pending works from home and then left to hospital. When I entered the hospital I saw her again but she didn't see me. She is talking on her phone smiling. Whom is she talking with? I didn't like that.

I ignored and went to mom's ward. Shipali? What is she doing here? I was shocked and fumed anger. She is talking with mom grinning.

"Anna.." Keerthi called me.

"Ohh.. Vikram.. come ..come see who came here... She came to look for me. " Mom said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her apathetic tone.

"Yesterday night I called her. She came immediately to see me when she knew I am at hospital. How sweet of her." Mom said lovingly.

I looked dad. He shrugged. I annoyingly looked at mom and her.

"Ohh.. aunty.. how can't I come. You are so sweet and loving one aunty.. I was anxious till I saw your reports. We need you aunty please don't take any stress. Be cool as always." she said to mom.

I am looking at her angrily. "Anna.. don't eat her with your looks.." Keerthi said winking at me.

"If you nod your head, Mom would have done your marriage with her today itself. What do you say anna?" She is teasing me but it's annoying.

"Keerthi, before I scold you move from here. And better change mom's mind. I won't marry shipali." I said

"Anna.. I was just joking. I too didn't like her." Keerthi said.

"Vikram, Shipali why don't you guys chat? Vikram take her with you." Mom said.


"Take her Vikram." mom signalling me to talk with her nicely.

I went out , Shipali followed me.

"How are you Vikram?" She asked.

"Why did you come here?"

She hugged me suddenly and said, "I missed you. I want us to back. I am wrong. I have changed a lot now. Please forgive me. I still love you. Baby please."

I parted away from her hug. "Your sugar coated words will work with mom not with me. I know you very well. Till this day I haven't revealed your doings to anyone because of your parents. If you take this as an advantage you wouldn't know what I will do. So be careful. And last thing, though my mom asked you to marry me, you should not accept it."

"How can I ?"

"You should."

"Really I love you Vikram. Why don't you understand that? "

"Ohh.. don't joke. I know about your ***** unlove love on me. You want my fame now. So you are trying to get me via mom." I said smirking.

She flustered and said "Yes. So what? I want you now. You need to get married and I want you. Both are getting benefitted. Think about that baby" saying that she holds my hand.

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