Chapter - 85 : Getting Close!!

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**Note: Long Chapter Ahead!!**

Alakananda's pov:

My peaceful sleep was distrubed by alarm. I tried to off it but I am unable to reach my phone. My hands are immobile. I tried again without opening my eyes but I can't, suddenly something on me moved and my alarm also was stopped. I opened my eyes after a lot of struggle.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes is my husband who's cuddling with me. We both are facing eachother, his one hand is placed on my waist and other one is below my head. Basically I was sleeping in his arm. Our legs are tangled with each other.

'What a wonderful morning!!' my heart said and captured his sleeping face. My lips curled up little bit. As soon as it curled up, it got curled down because of my mind.

'Whenever you sleep in his arms and wake up before him, that day is not ending good..not good.. it became worst...' my mind reminded the incidents happened earlier. Immediately I got saddened and my happy mood was gone.

With my unhappy mood, I tried to untangle myself but I couldn't.

"Stop moving Alakananda.." he said in his hoarse voice.

"Leave me.." I said softly. He's still in his half sleep. I don't want to make him upset early morning like I am now.

"No... Sleep for few minutes and let me sleep also.." he said pecking my forehead and pulled me closer to him more.

'ohh, man ! Stop.. I want to be angry on you for some more days...' I told to myself and again I tried to come out of his hold.

"What do you want now?" He asked again in his sleepy irritating voice. My mood saddened more deeply after hearing his voice.

"Leave me.. I want to freshen up and leave to my work.." I said in sad tone.

"Alakananda, It's 6'o clock. You start for your work at 8 right? So, please let me sleep for few minutes, if you become late, I will drop you. Now, please.. close your eyes.." He said.

"I have to go to my home, take my stuffs and then only I have to go to my office. You can sleep. I didn't ask you to wake up."

"I will explain you later. Please, for few more minutes.."  he said and closed his eyes. I don't know why I too closed my eyes looking at him.

"Alakananda, wake up... You're getting late for your work.." I heard him. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. He smiled widely, I too smiled looking at him.

"Good morning wifey.."

"Good morning.."  I too wished back in my sleepy tone.

He kissed my forehead and pecked my lips which made me awake from my sleep fully. I blinked at him.

"Don't look at me like that. Then it will be very difficult for me to leave you..." he said kissing my cheeks.

"Alakananda, I want to talk with you. I want to express my feelings with you. Will you come out with me today?" He asked which makes my heart beat fast. Is he going to propose me? Or Is he going to ask me the divorce? Or Is he going to tell me, I am not good enough for him? Or Is he going to tell how much hatred is on me? My mind was thinking all the possibilities.

"I need to go to my work." I said looking in to him.

"What about evening? After your work.. I will you pick you up and will go somewhere. I have lot of things to tell you. I don't want to hide anymore things from you."

"Hmm..." I just hummed without denying his request. I want to angry on him atleast for few days but he's not allowing me to do that. He literally appointed a spy to look after me. He doesn't trust me the way I trust him.

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