Chapter - 57 : Rescued!!

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Author's pov:

"Prashika.. please take this away from me.. I am afraid..plea..." Alakananda's word stopped abruptly. The snake was slithering more. Now it's on her stomach.

Prashika enjoys looking at her state. Prashika heard some sound. She thought to check on it.

"I will come in a few minutes Nandu.. " she said and removed the dog leash. The dog was barking and came near to her. She was hell afraid. Her body trembled and the snake moved further.

Prashika followed the sound and reached the main door. Someone kept knocking on the door. She thought who it might be. Because other than Prashika and her father, no one knew this place. And she didn't talk with her father for the past three days and she didn't bring her mobile as well. Instead she was using a new phone and new number.

"Yes.. who are you? What do you want?" Prashika asked the person after half opening the door.

"Prashika?" The person, kartik asked.

"Yes..." She said. Kartik pushed the door to make Prashika fall on the floor. Kartik, his team, Vikram and Rakesh entered the house. When she was about to run, kartik's team held her.

Vikram slapped Prashika and grabbed her neck.

"Where is Alakananda?" Vikram roared at her and grabbed her neck tightly. Prashika choked for breath. Rakesh and kartik pulled Vikram.

"Alakananda... She's about to die.." she said taking her breath heavily and smiled at them. When Vikram was about to punch her, Rakesh and Kartik held him firmly.

"Alakananda must be in this house only... Will check in every room." Kartik said. Rakesh, Vikram and Kartik went for a search. Kartik's team held Prashika tightly pointing their guns.

They were searching in every room. Vikram heard the barking sound and followed the sound. When he opened the door, his body paralyzed for a minute for two reasons.
1. He saw her after 3 days. 2. The state she was lying. A dog next to her was barking violently and the snake is on her chest.

"Alakananda..." Vikram called her. Hearing him Alakananda tried to speak but words are not coming out of her mouth. Hearing him Rakesh and Kartik also came and were shocked to see her.

Kartik is the one who recovered from the shock first. He pulled the dog and tied it with the leash. Vikram took some papers behind the box and he knocked the snake and it fell on the floor. Rakesh took the glass box and covered the snake.

Vikram went nearby to Alakananda and pulled her toward him. Vikram scanned her face. Her tears flowing continuously and she's trying to say something but words are not forming.

"Alakananda..." He called her and pulled her into the hug. He cried in her embrace and hugged him tightly. Her tears soaked his shirt. She clutched his shirt tightly like if she left that clutch she would die again.

"I am here Alakananda.. shh.. I am here..." Vikram said to her. She didn't stop her crying. He rubbed her back.

After few minutes, he released the hug. And caressed her face and kissed her forehead. "I got you Alakananda.. finally you're with me now.. Are you ok?" Vikram asked her. She nodded as no and hugged him again tightly.

"Vikram, she's scared.. we will wait outside. Talk with her slowly and bring her." Rakesh said. Kartik and Rakesh went outside of the room.

They were in the same position for a few minutes and Vikram again released her from his hold and looked at her.

"Alakananda.. I am here.. don't be scared. I won't allow anyone to hurt you anymore. Come, we will first move out from here. Everyone is waiting for you and I missed you so much baby.." Vikram said affectionately caressing her cheeks softly.

"A..Ad..Ad..Aditya... She.. she.. she tied my hands and she..she..feet..." Alakananda stammered. Vikram hugged her again and took her hands and examined her hands. Her hands are swollen and red marks around her wrist. His blood boiled looking at that.

"First, we will go to the hospital.. come on.. will leave the place.." Vikram said in anger. Alakananda flinched hearing his angry words. Vikram reacted immediately and said,

"Sorry baby.. this anger is not on you.. come.. will first go to the hospital.." Vikram said softly masking his anger.

He stood up form the bed and held her arms to support her. When she placed her legs on the floor, she yelled in pain. Vikram feared hearing her yelling. Rakesh and Kartik also came to the room hearing her.

"Alakananda what happened.. are you ok? What happened.." Vikram asked her scared. Alakananda pointed her feet. Vikram sat on the ground and inspected her both feet. He can't express his feelings, anger. His beast inside him was planning to give the same torture to that Prashika. Kartik and Rakesh pitied looking at Alakananda.

"I am sorry baby.. I was late.." Vikram said to her. Her tears didn't stop. Vikram lifted her in his arms and started from there. By the time, Prashika was taken to the police custody.

Rakesh drove the car, Vikram and Alakananda sat in the back seat. Till they reached hospital, Alakananda clinged to Vikram. Vikram also wrapped his hands around her taking her closely. Vikram felt her trembling figure. He can assume how bad she's scared.

Again Vikram lifted her in his arms and reached the ward where they booked. Doctors asked Vikram to wait outside. But Alakananda held his hands and didn't leave. He kissed his forehead.

"Alakananda, you're safe. I will be here only. Let the doctors treat you.." he said removing her hands from him . He doesn't want to do that, but he didn't want to disturb her treatment. Her health is important.

Later he informed his family and they too came to the hospital. Everyone was waiting at the door.

After a few minutes, the doctor exited from the room and informed them, "We took blood samples from her and the report will come tomorrow. Then only we can say whether the poison has got subdued are not. She's scared of everything hence we induced injection for her and she's sleeping. You can take her home after that. And we applied some medicines for her hand and feet. Continue doing that for every 6 hours, the wound and marks will be cured within 2 weeks."

All went inside and looked at Alakananda's pale face. She's sleeping. Anasuya and Keerthi cried looking at her state. Vikram asked them to go home saying he will bring Alakananda home once she woke up. They all went.

Kartik called Vikram to ask about Alakananda and he needed a complaint from Alakananda to proceed further.

"Kartik, I will give complaint on her. You proceed with that." Vikram said. Kartik also agreed understanding the situation.

Vikram sat beside Alakananda and held her hands with his and talked with unconscious Alakananda.

"I missed you so much Alakananda... I am scared and the mere thoughts of losing you made my heart stop. You're my everything. These three days went like a three years to me. I don't know when I fell for you this deeper but I did... please, Don't ever leave me. I can't bear that. I love you.. love you a lot.. Alakananda..." Vikram said and kissed her palms.


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Suhi 🦋

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