Chapter - 77 : Devasted Day

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Vikramaditya pov:

2 months back,

After I got the call from Ravi, I started to office. Throughout the journey I was just thinking, how to handle them and what type of cunning plan they brought this time.

I reached my office, there sitting two people whom I hate the most in this world. Sunnen and Shipali ! Ravi stood up after seeing me coming towards them.

"What the **** you want? What the hell she is doing here?" I roared.

"We came with a good proposal which favours you most Vikram." Shipali said sweetly smirking at me.

"I don't need any ****** favours or proposal from you. Get out of my place." I told her angrily controlling my urge to slap her.

"Shouting won't help Mr.Vikram. This will benefit everyone. Especially you.." I looked at him. I can sense this time they came with a big plan.

"I will give the project and contract which you're trying many years to get from my company . To exchange, I need you to withdraw the complaint from the police station. Along with this, you will be benefited among other things also." Sunnen said.

" ****** your proposal Mr.Sunnen. What made you think I will prefer the profits over my family? Your ***** useless daughter is a  psycho; she hurt my wife very badly. She's having trauma because of your daughter. Atleast be happy I haven't killed her yet. But I will do that soon. When I am doing that, she will endure more pain than she gives to my wife, her death won't be peaceful at all." I said to him furiously. Sunnen got angry and talked back agressively. Shipali held him back.

"So, Vikram you didn't give another chance to us. So, now I have to use this weapon on you." She said.

"Shipali, get out..."

"Not so soon from you Vikram..." She said smirking.

"How can you forget your well wisher Vikram? That's not fair.." she said. I frowned. She smiled.

"I am the one who gave the proof of how your wife is cheating on your back, that well wisher is me...'Your wife is cheating on you' that message and photos were sent by me.." she said proudly.

Next moment, I lost all my cool and grabbed her throat, because of the pictures and her false message, I hurt Alakananda most. I made her vulnerable. She should not be alive anymore. Sunnen and Ravi pulled me away from her.

"I will kill you today.." I tried to grab her neck again but stopped what she said next.

"You can't. If you kill me, your family is the one going to suffer and you will regret for life long." She said.

"What the ***** story you're planning now?" I asked her furiously.

"Truth Vikram... Do you remember Revanth??" She asked. How can I forget that *******. Wait, how did she know? Is she the one behind his plan. Before I could ask her anything, I asked Ravi to go out.

"Now, I got it. You planned everything. Didn't you? You Targeted my sister. How dare you?  You are the reason for my sister and my wife's tears. I will kill you now itself."

"Sorry for crushing your hopes. That, he did on his own but now I am going to tell a different thing.." she said and showed her mobile.

That's was a video, I saw Keerthi coming to the room.. it looked like a washroom... I guessed what the video was.. before it played further I grabbed the phone and thrashed it on the floor. How did she get it?? Oh god.. I raked my hair.

"Thrashing my phone won't delete the video Vikram.." Shipali said smiling. I shouldn't get angry with her now. My one bad step will cost my sister's life. I don't want that.

"This video was deleted long back. How did you get it?" I asked her controlling my anger. I clearly remember Alakananda said, that Revanth deleted the video in front of his mother, sister and Alakananda.

"Technology... We are living in this modern world. We can get all the deleted information in a fraction of a second, how couldn't I get this piece of video... That day, when I saw your wife in that hotel, I followed her to the room. I heard everything whatever they talked about. Before I met Revanth, he died. So, simply I hacked his mobile and got all the details from his phone. I sent some pics and morphed pics to you with a message. You believed the pics. As expected you reacted but I didn't expect that problem would sort out that easily. That's bad to me you know.. But now again I got the chance.... Baby..." she said smiling. My anger reached its peak but I couldn't do anything.

"What do you want?" I asked her directly.

"Aww, baby you look so hot in anger also." She said nearing me and tried to touch me. But I took a step back before she touched me.

"I asked what you want to delete and get rid of that video permanently." I asked,  gritting my teeth. She and Sunnen both smirked looking at me.

"Simple, you have to do two things. 1. Withdraw the case. 2. Marry me." She said. No.. certainly I won't do that.

"I won't agree with either of them." I said clenching my fist tightly controlling me to not punch on her face.

"You don't have any other choice. If you won't agree, that video is going to become viral on social media." Sunnen said. I glared at him.

I have to think something.. Maybe I can withdraw the case but I can't marry her.
What type of situation am I in today? How should I agree to these conditions?
I am a brother at the same time I am a husband too. Brother in me wants to agree to those conditions to protect my sister.

"We are running out of time Vikram baby..." Shipali said and started counting the numbers.

"I agree.." I blurted out. Finally brother in me won. More than myself, I want my sister to be happy. Because I love her, she's like a baby to me. I promised myself to protect her throughout this life.

At the same time, the husband in me, crashed and felt useless. I want to live my whole life with you but unexpectedly it turned out like that. Alakananda, I am sorry. I hope you will understand me. Brother in me wants to agree those conditions. I am sorry Alakananda, but I promise you I will protect you as well. Forgive me, for this  time alone. Please...

"I knew you will accept it..." Shipali said and Sunnen gave the papers to sign to withdraw the case.


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Suhi 🦋

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