Chapter - 26 : Getting out!!

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Alakananda's pov:

I woke up late today also. I folded the sheets, placed it on the bed. When I turned I saw him. Yesterday's events flashed me a min. How many members are going to enquire me yet? He threatened me to not tell anyone but he has told to everyone. Devil. Beast. Idiot. I was scolding him in my mind looking at him. He raised his brows, I went to the washroom hurriedly. Before he started off his threats, anger, whatever.. I am getting late.

I took a bath and wore my clothes and came out. He was not here. Yesterday itself I thought to ask him about this marriage but he didn't show up and I too slept waiting for him. I did my hair and went down to inform his parents. I don't need their permission to go but I should inform them since they are elders of this house.

Keerthi greeted me and I informed his parents but lastly I asked permission. What Nandu? You said you don't need permission but what happened now? I facepalmed myself in my mind. First, his mom sounds objected but later accepted. I thanked them and I looked at him, he turned his face. Keerthi wished me. I asked her Pooja room, she took me there.

I prayed to god and applied a vermilion in my forehead and a middle of partition of hair. I wanted to apply it but I don't know why. I will hide it later before I reach my office.

Me and Keerthi moved out, I heard about his business trip. When he turned, he looking at me. His face shows a little bit of emotion but I can't figure out what emotion is. His mom and dad looked at him and me. I bent my head down closing my eyes embarrassed.

"Anna, this is the first time I am seeing your gawking." Keerthi exclaimed.

"I am getting late. Bye." I said and went out. I walked till bus stand and boarded into bus. Yesterday when Keerthi came to dressing my wound I asked her the way and we exchanged our number. I really like her. Though she doesn't know what happened, she didn't ask me anything but helped me directly or indirectly. I reached my office, went to the washroom and hid my mangalsutra and covered vermilion with my hair. Later I informed priya and went to my place.

All my team members came to my place and asked about my dad and my wellbeing. Priya came and we talk few minutes. Later I went to my manager cubicle and he congratulated me and asked me to collect laptop from the office.

Priya asked me what happened and I told her what manager said. When we were working, Santhosh came to my place.

"Hi Nandu, how are you and your dad? Is all fine now?" he asked me.

"Yes santhosh. Everything was fine and sorry I lost the cupboard key, sent a mail to the facility team once I got the duplicate key, I will give your box." I said to him.

"Np. And did you opened the box by chance?" he asked.

"No. Why would I do that?" I asked him.

"Just asking. That's it." he said.

"Ok.. do you want to say anything?" I asked him. He's still standing in my place.

"Yeah.. no.. I mean.. what project you are currently working? Do you need any help? I can support you." he asked me.

"Thanks for offering the help but I can manage it." I said to him.

"Looks like you didn't bring lunch, can we go to restaurant? U, me,...and all?" he asked me. What happened to him?

"Thanks, I can go with priya to the food court." I said to him.

"Ok." he forced smile and left from there.

Priya looked at me like 'Didn't I tell you? See?'. I rolled my eyes at her and resumed my work. I have to finish the work and reach his house within 6, else beast would be awaken anytime and will kill me.

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