Chapter - 30 : Trust ???

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Vikramaditya pov:

"Enjoyed a lot in my absence?" I asked her. She frowned at my words but didn't open her mouth.

"Why did you go to keerthi college? What did you do to my parents? How can you be close to sanjana. They're my sisters, how can you say they're yours. What else have you done? Tell me" I shouted at her. She flinched.

"I.. She missed her kit home that I went to give her..." She said.

"Who gave the permission to go? "

"I informed aunty.. your mom before I went." She said looking down.

"Are you planning anything by chance? Attach with my family and turn them against me?" I asked her.

"I am not like you to scheme a plan against a person. They're all good people, moreover, I don't want to hurt them for your doings." She said.

"You better not. Don't attach with my family, they're mine. You stay away from them. I don't want your bad luck to pass to them also." I said and went to bed. She looked hurt, but I don't care.

"I want to ask you something." She said.


"When will this.. end?"

"Ask the damn thing clearly, I am not getting it." I shouted at her.

"This marriage. You married me because of the revenge and someday it should end and you will have to free me. I want to know, when you're going to leave me and when is the contract period expiring?" She asked me.

I got down from the bed and went nearby to her. I can sense her nervousness. She's clutching her dress tightly and looking down.

"So desperate to leave me? or anyone is waiting for you..." I asked her.

"I already said.. I don't have anyone..I want to know.."

"Why, you want to know? "

"Because I am bounded to this marriage. I have rights to know about this." She said. I smirked at her.

"You're talking about rights. Good !! Why not I take my husband's rights on you and you complete your wife's rights to me, before we talk about the end of this marriage?" I asked her nearing close to her. She moved backwards.

"Stop. You said, you won't touch me. What are you doing now?" She asked me. She struck in between the wall and me.

"Yeah, I said. But now we are talking about rights, which is different from that. As you said, you and I are bound to this marriage, so we have to complete first and foremost right of marriage. Though, you're not attractive, chubby and fat all over your body, I have to complete my rights as a husband. See, how good a person I am to complete the rights" I said.

Before I touch her face, she placed her hands on my shoulders stopping me.

"Sorry.. I won't talk about rights hereafter.. please move away from me." She said. I took a few steps away from her.

"At least, you can inform me for a courtesy, when you're going to leave me." She asked me.

"Leave you or free you, which one you want?" I asked her.

"What do you mean? both are same." She asked me confused.

"Either I can leave you from this marriage but not from me or I can free you from me and this marriage. Either of this, not going to happen soon. But it depends on your behavior. Based on your actions, I can decide leave or free you. So, stop thinking about your baseless thoughts and behave well. " I said and went to bed to sleep. A few mins later, she switched off the lights and slept on the floor.

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