Chapter - 63 : A Deal ??!!!

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Alakananda's pov:

"What the hell is this Vikram?" Uncle asked him angrily. We all looked at him shocked.

"What happened Krishna? Why are you shouting at him?", Aunty asked.

"Ask him. What did he do? I never thought you would do such things for business Vikram?"

"Dad, it's not like..."

"Shut up..." Uncle fumed.

"What's happening here?" Aunty asked. I am looking at him. He fisted his palm controlling him.

"Your son has withdrawn the case for the exchange of business deals." Uncle said shocking everyone. My body shivered. He wouldn't have done that, would he? I was unable to believe that.

"What??" Keerthi asked him.

"Vikram, what's this? Is that the truth? You withdrew the case for a business deal?" Aunty asked him. He didn't say a word. His silence was making me afraid more.

"Unbelievable..." Aunty said in her unbelievable tone.

"You know how she tortured Alakananda, still you made a deal with them? What kind of attitude is this?" Those buried thoughts are again waking up from my mind. A fear slowly passing in to me.

"A business deal is more important than your wife?" Uncle asked. A small tear fell from my eyes. Am I a deal for him?

"What if she again abducts Alakananda?... Well.. that's another opportunity for you to sign another deal isn't it? The more she felt trouble, the more you get profit that's your idea isn't it? You can grow your business well.", Uncle said fuming in anger.

"Dad, she won't come again." He said.

"How will you be sure? She's a psychopath. She will do anything. Did you think about how Alakananda will feel? She's recovering slowly, yet her burns are not yet healed. Do you wanna kill her?" Uncle asked.

"Dad..." He shouted angrily banging the table. I jolted hearing the sound.

"Your shoutings and anger will not justify your actions VikramAditya...." Uncle too shouted. My tears flowed without any barriers.

"Well... I won't be surprised when they kill her and compensate you with another project and deal. You will easily accept and move on with your life." Uncle asked him.

"Dad, that's the limit, I know how to protect and take care of her.." he said.

"I am not seeing.." I interrupted them. They don't need to fight because of me.

"Uncle.. leave it.. You guys don't need to quarrel for me." I said looking down.

"Alakananda..." He called me..

"Hmm.. I think my phone is ringing... I am going to the room." I said and stood up. But failed miserably and fell on the chair. Don't know if I fell because of the wound on my feet or any other reason.

"Alakananda... Are you ok?" He asked me worriedly holding my shoulder. I looked at him for a minute. Tears flowed from my eyes. Again I looked down.

"Alakananda, I..." Before he says anything. I removed his hands from me and stood up.

"Alakananda, let me take you.." he said standing up next to me.

"No need.. I can handle it.." I said and started walking. But I couldn't walk normally, after 2 steps I halted and fisted my palms tightly.

In a swift, I am in his arms. He's looking at me seriously.

"I can walk.. leave me.." I said wiggling on his arms. He didn't bother, he took me to our room.

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